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  1. Further to the search for clicker presses in the EU, the following links might help. I haven't done business with any of these firms. So, I can't comment on the presses, or the companies and their business practises. If you buy one of these, please, let us know how it performs. Cheers! https://www.zonesuntech.com/collections/leather-slitter-folder/products/zonesun-22x14cm-hand-leather-cutting-machine-photo-paper-pvc-eva-sheet-mold-cutter-manual-leather-mold-die-cutting-machine http://elfitakorea.blogspot.co.at/2014/03/perforative-puch-press.html https://www.etsy.com/listing/561179540/manual-flat-die-cutting-machine-punching?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=leather molds&ref=sr_gallery-1-41 http://www.leathercraftpattern.com/Cowboy-8360-hand-cutting-machine http://www.leathercraftpattern.com/leather-cutting-machine http://www.a-finlay-primitive-crafts.co.uk/leather_press_pro.html https://www.starcuttingboards.de/en/hand-cutting-machine-ma3.html http://www.stanzformenbau.at/produkte/stanzform-bandstahlschnitt/ http://www.sieck.de/en/machines/cutting-pressing/swing-arm-cutting-machines/details/4652/ https://www.alpress.co.uk/ https://www.alpress.co.uk/new-products.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r2w6_bAFcchttp://www.industrycortex.com/products/results/leather-clicker-press http://www.sieck.de/en/machines/cutting-pressing/swing-arm-cutting-machines/
  2. I can't find out what the Thai company is that sells clicker presses like Tippmann's to the Thai medical community in Bangkok. I've used every search term I can think of, and combed through all of my bookmarks and documents on a couple of computers. All to no avail. If I ever find it, I'll share it here. Cheers! LJS UPDATE : I thought I had FOUND the Tippmann style presses made by Bentz and at least one other firm. Unfortunately, many of the links are broken. If you want to try your luck, you will have to scroll down to near the bottom of the first page, for the Bentz. then go to the second page to look for other. While this is not the Thai source, if you find a working link, it is a potential source of a pneumatic clicker press. http://www.industrycortex.com/products/results/leather-clicker-press
  3. FYI, the Tippmann press is a branded version of a medical cutting press sold in Thailand for a LOT less money. I used to know where to get it. And almost did when I lived there. Unfortunately, circumstances changed, and I returned to Austria before I completed the purchase. I'll post the contact info if I can ever find it again.
  4. I lived in Bangkok for 6 months about 3 years ago. While I was there I bought some fish skin and two small pieces of stingray from one of the MANY retail leather shops in town. While I didn't pay wholesale, I did pay MUCH less than I would have here in Austria. There is an entire street, whose name I forget, of JUST leather retailers. Most of whom would make a Tandy store manager turn green with envy at the qunatity and quality of the hides being offered. This street is surrounded by side streets that sell every leathercraft item you can imagine at riddiculously low prices. If I had had the money to spend on the leather and tools, I would have shipped several pallets to Austria when I returned. As best I understand it, there are literally hundreds of tanneries in Thailand which either have their own stores, or who wholesale to retail outlets like the ones I bought from. These stores, in turn, supply thousands of cottage businesses who produce their goods in shophouses throughout the city / country, and then wholesale the finished products to retail stores. Consequently, if I'm right, it is very unlikely that it will be easy to setup a supply chain without either going to Thailand and making the initial arrangements in person, OR having a trusted agent there who can make the purchases for you. Since going there in person probably is not something you wish to do, I'll look to see if I still have some of the business cards I collected while I was there. If so, I'll post the contact info in another reply. Unfortunately, I have a LOT going on right now. So, it may take me several weeks before I can follow up on this. If I forget, remind me at the end of April 2018. Hopefully, things will be a bit calmer by then. If so, I'll see what I can do then. If you are interested in talking with him about it, I have a friend in BKK who is expecting his first child and who is, therefore, looking for ways to earn more money. I don't know if he would be interested in trying to be your purchasing agent or not. But will ask him if you want me to. Just be aware that Dominik is NOT a leather crafter. So, if he agrees, he will need a lot of help via FB chat or Skype learning how to get what you want. One way to do this might be to send him samples of what you are looking for, and have him take them to the shops for quotes on leather of the same or better quality. That way both he and they have a better idea of what you're looking for. Meanwhile, there might be something in the search results below that could help you. Good luck! Larry https://www.google.com/search?q=leather+tanneries+Bangkok&phttps:/ws=0&gl=us&gws_rd=cr
  5. Thanks, Jackie. Quick question: when you say that you would do so with "duties and fees in mind," are you saying you will take care of the customs and import fees and pass them on to me?
  6. Jackie, Do you ship to Austria and/other European countries? If not, do you have a supplier here from whom I can purchase your products wholesale? Thanks. LJ Stevens
  7. UPDATE: IMMEDIATELY after posting the above I learned that the Highlead is similar to the Pfaff 335. Soooooo ... the questions I asked above also apply to the Pfaff. Thanks! Mav PS: Could somebody tell me if I'm having fun yet? 'Cause it seems to me that I'm having about as much fun as a dog chasing its own tail. ... .... ... sigh ...
  8. Thanks to Constabulary for identifying the OMAC 69-73; which is an Adler clone. As I said elsewhere: I'm setting up a leather workshop in Austria and am looking for the equipment I will need to do so. One of my major purchases will be a sewing machine. And I've spent a LOT of time researching this. While I'd like to think I've learned a lot, the truth of the matter is that, at this point, I know just enough to be dangerous ... to myself and my wallet. Which is why I'm posting here and elsewhere. Better to seek the wisdom of others now than to wish I had later. Since shipping from the States and the UK would add FAR more than I want to spend to the costs of the equipment, I would appreciate any info I can get on good suppliers of industrial sewing machines, other leather workshop equipment, leather, hardware, etc. in continental Europe. (FYI, I will be posting in the suppliers forum as well as here.) I would also appreciate any info anyone has on the HJighlead GC2698-1 sewing machines. I I understood the info on their Irsih/UK website correctly, they're manufactured by Mistubishi http://www.highlead.co.uk/about-HIGHLEAD.htm And from the looks of the machine, it is another Adler 69-373 clone. Pics and specs can be seen here: http://www.sunnysewingmachine.com/index.php/view-all-machines/21-cylinder-arm-sewing-machines/647-highlead-gc2698-1-small-cylinder-arm-walking-foot-sewing-machine-syncronized-binder Assuming I'm correct, it would probably do what I need to do. HOWEVER, I am not going to buy anything that I have not either seen good reviews of written by the good folks on this forum or run past ya'll. Sooooooo ... does anyone know anything about these machines? In particular, what is it a clone of: Adler? Juki? Both? Are they well made, reliable, etc. Thanks! LJ Stevens Maverick Leathers
  9. Thanks, Constabulary. You pretty much confirmed what I suspected to be the case: Importing from the States would not make financial sense at this time. Frankly, if the numbers were better, I'd be tempted to buy from Cobra Steve. Oh well, it is what it is. So, I have to try to find a good machine and dealer in Europe; preferably Austria but I'm willing to work with whomever has good prices and service. Do you know any dealers selling in Europe who match that description? Mav
  10. Does anyone know anything about the OMAC 69-73 E.O.S. sewing machine? It is an Italian machine that I stumbled across it while researching equipment I will need to setup a leather workshop in Austria. The web link is : http://www.omacsrl.com/products/sewing-machines/with-arm/sewing-machine-with-reduced-diameter-arm-69-373-e-o-s/ The description reads: Sewing machine with reduced diameter arm 69-373 E.O.S. With arm Sewing machine with reduced diameter arm 69-373 E.O.S. Presentation. E.O.S. it's a triple feed transport stitching machine with reduced diameter arm. It has been designedwith retightened device (with possibility to choosebetween three different sizes) of small dimension which allows to execute the stiches of many kind of material, especially where there is a necessity to sew on narrow angles. In footwear field, it can be used to sew the sole to the vamp of the shoes while in leather goods field employ to sew bags, wallets, key cases, etc. It can be supplied with pneumatic foot-lifter, back-taking stitch. Devices: E.O.S 41-42-43 Medium E.O.S 51-52-53 Small E.O.S 61-62-63 Big It can be supply with: Head Complet with clutch motor Complet with moor. Fir stop+ flp Complet with motor Efka dc1550 + flp Thnx, Mav
  11. Cobra Steve, Your reply piqued my interest because I, too, live in Europe (Austria) am looking for my first sewing machine; which will be used for wallets, cell phone cases, purses, etc. So, I don't need something that will sew through plywood or license plates (like one does in a YouTube video). I just need a good machine capable of doing the job. My question is: Even if your prices are better than those in Europe, which is where I live, wouldn't the shipping make the final purchase price of your machines WAY too much for those on a limited budget? I guess what I'm really asking is: Why should we pay the shipping? What makes doing so worth while to those of us in Europe? Thanks, LJ Stevens
  12. Anyone looking for a clicker press should checkout the Alpha Sample Cutter presses made by Thwing-Albert Instrument Company of West Berlin, NJ, USA. They have two models whose specifications seem to exactly match those of the Tippman presses. The link below will take you to the 15-ton press. You will find a link to the 7-ton press at the bottom of the page. http://www.thwingalbert.com/15ton-alfa-sample-cutter.html While shipping and import taxes make them cost FAR too much here in Bangkok, back there in the States they may cost less than the Tippman versions if you purchase them directly from the manufacturer. If anyone checks it out, please, let the rest of us know what you find out. Cheers! Maverick PS: In the first version of this post the link I included only took you to Thwing-Albert's landing page. The link above takes you directly to the 15-ton press.
  13. yoji, Since arriving here on 20 September I have managed to find a number of potential suppliers in Bangkok, and have found some of the tanneries Dozen mentioned. Part of my problem appears to have been the localization of google and other search engines. At least, that is the only explanation I can think for why the exact same search queries - and I do mean EXACT - that produced next to no results while I was still in Austria turn up many results here. I'm rather busy the next few days, but will be happy to share what I've found once things settle down. Best thing would be to send me a private message that I can reply to. Mav
  14. Hi Sona, I deleted it because I was over reacting and thought better of leaving it up. I'm currently living in Vienna. But I'm getting divorced and will be moving to Bangkok in mid- to late-September. So, I'm under a wee bit of pressure and somewhat out of sorts. Hence my first reply to your message. Under more normal circumstances your post probably would not have struck me the way it did. Once I realized I was being a bit of an ass, I decided it was best to delete it and hope I had not offended you. If I did, I apologize for having done so. If I were staying in Europe, your listing would have been ENORMOUSLY helpful to me. Hopefully, I can find something similar before I go to Bangkok. Keep up the good work! And don't let idiots like me rain on your parade. Mav
  15. handsw, It sounds like the problem is the size of your order, not the size of the bottles or shipping costs per se. When I order dyes and finishes, I am also usually ordering two or three sides of leather, buckles and other items. Plus, I buy the large bottles. So, the shipping costs per item are quite reasonable; especially when compared to ordering dyes and other liquids from Tandy's UK store. Richard, the manager of the UK store, told me the shipping costs for dyes and other liquids would be extortionate if I ordered from them! Which is why I order from Lederhaus. Good luck. Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance. Mav
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