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  1. Dont forget Harbor Freight for cheap punches, and even cheaper nitrile gloves -- usually 5.99 or 7.00 for a 100, and on sale all the time! Know someone with a lathe? Edge Burnishers are a breeze to make, show up with some dry tree branches for them and stand back as the shavings fly! Know some Amish or Mennonites? I got about 3 or 4 pounds of beeswax for 7 bucks -- needed remelting and cleaning but so what? Dont forget yogurt cups for dyes and finishes.Dollar Tree is another place for cheap and useful supplies!
  2. Thanks for the insight -- going to use some of this for collars for my 2 cowdogs!
  3. Was given a bunch of pieces of this, not sure what kind of leather it is. Very heavy, was told they thought it was some kind of saddle leather. Its pretty thick, using it on a cowdog right now!
  4. Working fine with 4 to 5 cards per pocket. Seems a lot stronger than i expected it to be. I dont think it will rip or tear anytime soon.
  5. Wish I knew -- i dont think there is a correct way. its what ever looks right.
  6. Not the greatest, but was doing a prototype -- edges need finish, was in a hurry -- thanks to BikerMutt, for helping me with tools after all mine were stolen!
  7. I REALLY REALLY wish I could make things like that! Nice boots -- and tell him be safe out there!
  8. Do the tandy dies fit that press? Seems like a great price if they do.
  9. Biker you grab one side, Capt grabs the other and i supervise. Leave it in Tn and you guys can use it every time your here!
  10. Kinda looks like a singer clone, check this page out -- not sure iof its a help or not http://sewing-machines.blogspot.com/2006/05/japanese-clones-of-40s-50s-and-60s.html Good luck!
  11. I am hiding over here other side of Nashville, between there and Jackson. i am still counting fingers, but curves to me are much easier with a round knife and so are straight cuts. I like the pushing away from me -- seems safer!
  12. Like both of them, but a suggestion on the website? Never use administrator as a name -- or as a login. Since you are using wordpress, go to the user page and add an alias to post under. You will get a lot of hacking attempts, so minimize the risk. If they need 2 logins its a lot harder to guess! But i like the dye job on the wrist band -- really nice!
  13. Got one as a gift a few weeks back -- never going back to an old fashioned knife! Got it as sharp as I can, and hope to get better at sharpening it and using it -- and hope I still have 10 fingers next New Years Eve! LOL
  14. Cool! Nice to see more Tn folk here ! Nice job
  15. I do compete for the dining room table right now -- but i lost that battle! And the spare room too!
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