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Everything posted by cradom

  1. Thank you for the information. One last question. Did you bore it your self? How easy is it to drill, for example, can I do it without a press?
  2. Following that link I found this: http://www.eplastics.com/Acetal_Delrin_Rod 2 to 3 inches in diameter, by the foot. Not too bad. Wonder how much bounce it has.
  3. I use a very old rawhide mallet. I cleaned up the faces with a belt sander with 60 grit belt on it.
  4. I would also like to know where to get Delrin.
  5. Must be a heck of a rust remover if it takes off anodizing. Try something weaker? I've used vinegar to remove rust on bikes and it works fine. Let it soak a day or two. That's assuming that's not gold paint.
  6. Doesn't always work but you can option-click it and it will download instead of display it.
  7. Actually wasn't talking of using melamine to tool on but as a form to pour a cement block a couple inches thick with reinforcement to tool on. The melamine makes for a smooth surface in the cement when the form is removed.
  8. Was wondering if anyone has any experience using sealed cement as a tooling surface. I'm looking for something and don't think I can afford using granite or marble. Making a form out of melamine or formica topped wood will give a very smooth surface to cement. Is this feasible? Craig
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