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Everything posted by cradom

  1. I'm more familiar with Photoshop but the process should be the same. Run a path around the book and copy it to a new layer. Go back to the original layer (background) and fill with black (or whatever color). Do your reflection how you want it, if you want it. Check the edges of your path (layer one) for fuzzies. When it's how you want it, flatten the layers. Oh, and rule no.1 - always work on a copy! Because screw-ups don't cha know.
  2. Yes, I'm there now. Wonder why I cant get there using my regular client, I don't like using a web client.
  3. Not to be disputing but, are you sure it's on Freenode? I log on and open a channel list and there's no #leatherworker in the list. Also, freenode.com and freenode.net resolve to the same server if anyone's interested. I'm going to try it from the web client and see if I can get some information. I use the same name on irc, cradom.
  4. If it looks like Elmers and smells like Elmers...has anyone tried using slightly watered down Elmers? It's flexible and dries clear. Probably waterproof too when it's dry. Have to remember this next project. Oh, and a glass slicker is a thickish piece of glass with a rounded edge used to slick down the leather...kinda like a light burnish. Makes the rough side smoother.
  5. I use Nettalk on Windows, and Textual on my Mac. My regular server is Freenode so no problem. Thanks!
  6. What server? Freenode?
  7. Maybe this will help: https://www.thethreadexchange.com/miva/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=TTE&Category_Code=Nylon-Thread-Information My 'local' Tandy is 100 mi away. Use the net and order online. (link above is from these forums, don't remember who posted it)
  8. I bought a stainless steel table with pegboard back from Lowes a while back. While it's built well I don't recommend it for leather work. Unless you LIKE the sound of metal rattling every time you hit something with a maul. The drawers are nice though. I took the back off and it's not so bad but I'm thinking of the Harbor Freight one or home built one. https://www.lowes.com/pd/Kobalt-45-in-W-x-36-in-H-3-Drawer-Wood-Work-Bench/50109238
  9. Very nice work. Just curious, what are those marks on the inside-top? From hammer rubbing?
  10. Ah, yes. Noticed it last night, sorry. Also the "Load more activity" button at the bottom seems to be working right again too. Thank you!
  11. So this is what I'm getting when I click Mark Forums Read: Also, at the bottom, the "Next" button or load more button is missing a lot of the time. Just thought I'd let someone know.
  12. I think what he means is neatsfoot oil. Which it shouldn't really need as latigo is already pretty oily/waxy already due to the way it's made. Might be better of with a finish like Resolene or 50/50 Mop 'N Glo and water.
  13. Might want to set snaps last, unless you like wiping dye off of them. That looks pretty good as is though.
  14. You sure those aren't brass rivets? Look at the green. Either way they were probably peened to keep them in. Second to last pic is a little blurry at the bottom, looks like it may have been broken or cut. Are they all like that?
  15. Don't know what the policy here is, I belong to forums where this is frowned upon, but... Get yourself a good adblocker. I use uBlock Origin. To keep places like Facebook from tracking you use Ghostery in your browser. There's also Privacy Badger and a few others. These are add-ons that work in Firefox and other browsers. If you're using Firefox, go here: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/extensions/?sort=featured
  16. Depending on the size/shape of the stone maybe something like this could be glued/riveted on? https://www.etsy.com/market/cabochon_mountings Do a Google search for cabochon settings.
  17. As far as replacement maul surfaces, take a look here: http://www.eplastics.com/Acetal_Delrin_Rod Buy a short rod and cut/drill to fit. Just be careful what size you order (coming from the guy who bought a 4in. diameter rod, boy did I feel stupid ).
  18. Have you been to Jeffs? https://www.etsy.com/shop/JLSleather
  19. I was going to suggest using rubber gloves but that looks to be a tattoo Great video! Nice product too.
  20. Don't press enter until the absolute end of a paragraph. This place is set up like a word processor, enter starts a new Paragraph.
  21. Ah, I see. Those links only work for me when logged into Google. Sorry. Lets try this: One is a lot blurry, sorry, phone. Belt strap sewed on before lining is installed. Same with snaps.
  22. Maybe this will help. It's too big for my scanner no matter how I position it so I just took pics. The back is nothing special, especially since the dye ran while applying the M&G 50/50 and the edge paint but here it is. https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipMeqfIOjmfR_JRZ7OWs9T0Qo7VPJvOqxehEXAz- https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipNDd-TEJ5Hi1UfeL9uqrDmuKOplOVu17Pz5uVB_ https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipPbvKFSiFpBNUceTJAV80I-vV7jUiS4vTBT1owX https://goo.gl/photos/rvndLac2MKT3JYg86
  23. That's what I thought, just wanted to make sure, thanks. The stiffener: watched some gunbelt videos on the Tube and they are using much thicker leather. Heard about using using them but wasn't sure. Although none of the videos I watched used them. Then again, two strips of 12oz glued together is quite thick enough for them. Thanks Dwight
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