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Everything posted by Beardedbandana

  1. Bump
  2. Here is a link to my CL ad http://cincinnati.craigslist.org/tls/5658472155.html I'm more than happy to send more photos and answer any questions. I'll also offer a discount to this group only. $800. I prefer pickup here in Cincy. I will travel as far as 100 miles to meet someone. Columbus, Louisville, Indianapolis, Dayton, Lexington etc. Thanks, Andy
  3. I'm also interested in photos and location. Thanks
  4. Man, this thing is beautiful! I wish my Lu-563 ran like this. I'm only half joking... but would you do a partial trade? I'll bring you my lu-563 and some cash!
  5. I have a customer that wants me to make 500 of these small oval shapes with two holes in the center (see photo). Is there a pre-existing tool that I can buy to punch out the oval? Do I need a die cutter? Where should I start? Thanks!
  6. I figured that might be the case. Thanks for the explanation!
  7. Newbie question: Would this work for splitting down 4/5oz veg tan for wallet pockets? or is this more of a specialty tool?
  8. Thanks Bob, That's a good idea. I may have to reach out for samples.
  9. Hey LW, I am struggling to find the right leather for an upcoming wholesale project. I am making a portfolio/ padfolio. In the past I've used 5/6oz veg tan and it's close to perfect, but I would like to use a nicer Horween/ wickett and craig bridle leather to make them, but I'm struggling to find the right place to order it, and I'm not sure what weight/ thickness of leather I should use. Here is an example:http://www.orvis.com/orvis_assets/prodimg/55KTa_Alt.jpg I have checked Maverick, Tannery Row, Tandy, and Springfield. Without seeing it or feeling it in front of me it's just hard to find the right hide. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Andy Edit: Moved to "How do I do that" so you should get better visibility.
  10. My best seller is the standard veg tan belt. I'd like to reduce the amount of time it takes me to make them. The Weaver edgers are pretty dang awesome, but have a pretty ridiculous price. Has anyone attempted to make a home made tool to edge multiple sides at once? I've thought about shelling out for the Weaver edger wheels for ~$180.00 and building a frame around them in wood. Any feedback is welcome! for reference: http://www.weaverleathersupply.com/Catalog/ItemContent.aspx?ItemNumber=29255&CatalogId=001&CatalogDetailId=51&NSM=Y
  11. This worked! Thank you!!
  12. I'm having trouble adjusting the speed on my servo motor I got with my Juki-Lu563. It's a Nick-O Sew model #NKS-4000. [imgur](http://i.imgur.com/hhYJ8L9.png) I can't find a manual for this and Nick-O customer service doesn't seem to have much knowledge of the issue. When I turn it on, the display just reads zeros and then the exterior diodes (idk what they're called) create a rotating circle going clockwise. The servo works, but I can't adjust the speed. pushing the arrows does nothing. When I got the servo, it didn't have a fuse, so I had to replace it, but other than that it seems fine. I would appreciate any help! Thanks,
  13. So I ended up finding my main problem. I didn't have my bobbin housing set right. When you take off the base plate (plate under presser foot) it has a notch to hold a little arm on top of the bobbin case. My bobbin case used to move and spin, now its held in place by that little arm. That's what fixed it for me.
  14. @BallisticTip I'm having the same issue on my Juki Lu-563. Did you find the fix??
  15. I really want to make a leather bag for myself and I saw one of this clasp on the links below and loved it. Anyone know where I can source one of these? Links: http://theleathershop.com/bag/heirloom-messenger-tan.html/ http://www.ebay.com/itm/Saddle-Bag-Hardtail-Harley-Tan-Brass-Motorcycle-Tool-Rich-Phillips-Leather-/140854638792 Thanks, Andy
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