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Everything posted by Aidanforsyth0

  1. Thanks for all of your responses so far. The site is http://www.lopaloleather.com . I'm currently running some pay per click advertising with facebook and Google. Small campaigns
  2. How long did it take you to make your first sale online? How'd you market your website to make that first sale? What was your marketing budget?
  3. I'm in the U.S. Has anyone actually ordered any ROO similar to the quality of that that's on Barrett alleys site?
  4. The title says it all. I'm wondering where to buy kangaroo veg tanned leather, and what would you recommend for me to buy if I want to make wallets? I have been using a hide of chromexcel from maverick, and don't want to use seconds anymore. Any recommendations?
  5. Hey guys just asking for your opinion on the website...let me know what you think of it and what improvements i could make. Thanks a bunch! http://www.lopaloleather.com - Aidan
  6. The title says it all. I'm looking for high quality 3/4 oz veg tanned leather specifically for wallets. Thanks for your help!
  7. Hey guys I'm wondering what materials I need to make a high quality leather wallet for me, then my family and some friends. I currently have punches for the sewing holes, edge beveler, groover, and a slicker and some scrap leather from michaels that is pretty bad. If you could help me out with finding great quality leather and thread, as well as the " know how" on the best way to cut leather so the cuts are perfect everytime. Oh also I have various cutting tools but do not have a rotary cutter. Thank you
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