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  • Gender
  • Location
    Anchorage, Alaska although I love to travel so could be anywhere.
  • Interests
    Traveling, meeting new people, Gypsy Vanner horses, Bouvier des Flandres dogs, spending time with my family, cozying up in front of a fireplace on a frigid Alaskan day with a glass of Muscadine wine while stitching my latest project or writing lyrics to songs my partner composes. I am also a filmmaker, so somedays I enjoy that. Other days, not so much. I enjoy living between the extremes of Alaska's relaxed but cold and sometimes harsh environment to the careless hopping island living of Key West. I am all about enjoying the journey and worrying less about the destination. Someone once said that I was born with leather in my hand and wings on my A$$.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Too busy learning something new to specialize just yet, if ever.
  • Interested in learning about
    any and all things leather.

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  1. Ray, it isn't about whether or now we want to contribute, but instead how we do so. There's two of us with separate accounts. I understand there is varying levels of "something" for different degrees of contributions. We are trying to decide how best to proportion the donation either in one of us or both of us. The same amount of money will be donated. Just need some information to make an informed decision. I wondered if Ambassador was those of varying countries. It's really unimportant, but just curiosity. That's me by nature. haha I have yet to see Juneau. I hardly want my road trips to be further restricted than they are now. Lived in remove Alaska and it took a week to listen to an entire CD. Nothing was ever more than one, maybe three minutes away if some drunk folks were fighting in the street and wouldn't move over. Still, I love the white stuff. Need it like I need air.
  2. CyLee

    Watch Faces

    Thanks, Ferg.
  3. My partner and I have separate accounts. We wish to support LW by contributing. We can not tell by the explanation what the different levels actually provide. Is there ANY benefit to one of us contribution the $100 or more option over both of us contributing $50+? She rarely uses the site except to log on and read up on my posts or questions anyway. Please advise. I've asked a few moderators but yet to be answered no doubt due to how busy their schedule is. I am just at the end of year decision making on how to spend the last few dollars left in budget for marketing and educational memberships so much make quick decisions in coming days. Please advise what the $100 benefits are that are in excess of the $50. Thanks. Also, what is an ambassador vs contributor and such? I am sure this is discussed somewhere but yet to have found it. Please move to correct section if this isn't it. Thanks.
  4. Personally, I would contact LV licensing department and tell them you have some old LV handbags that you wish to repurpose for your wife and some of her friends. You will not market them as LV products, but instead market them as products consisted of repurposed LV items. I believe this would fall into fair use, but if you got caught, you'd likely get a cease and desist order before being sued. That being said, I am a filmmaker also, and I get mighty ticked when I see someone steal my images, sound bites, or ideas and claim them as their own. However, I am usually more than appreciative to discover someone kindly asked if they could use something and provided me with credit for my original part of the work. Sometimes I say no because of future plans. Check what they have patented. If, and I am sure they trademarked their name, using it without permission is just wrong and liable. They probably don't have a trademark on holsters but still their name. If you are asking someone to make fake LV trademarks on leather, you are asking for long jail time and big time fines. US Customs will ensure that as will other agencies despite what LV does or doesn't do.
  5. Thanks, I have made contact with them. Hopefully can work something out. Your guidance was greatly appreciated, Barehand.
  6. Free shipping even to Alaska?
  7. I am not EVEN worried about that. haha
  8. I recently purchased a Cobra King with eps and a class 18 with eps from Cobra Steve at the Leather Machine Company. I couldn't feel better about this transaction. His dedication to making me feel at ease during the ordering process was incredible. In my lifetime I have acted as a business consultant and when it comes to customer service, he is the epitome of what I was always trying to sell my clients to employ in their business. He didn't try to sell me two machines. Instead he was willing to work with me to help me make one work as long as I was willing to make the many adjustments needed for varying thicknesses of leather and material. He could have easily pressured me, but didn't. In the end, I know my level of patience and because of that I wanted the two different machines. I also felt inclined to make the purchases simultaneously as I am in Alaska and shipping savings could prove great. He also made it worth my while in other ways, but never was their the salesman pressure one would expect from big ticket items. I believe his final words to me were, "CyLee, I promise, I'll never let you down," once I placed the order. Now fast forward a bit. I received the shipment on time. He has no ability to control all the methods of transport that a couple machines endure to find their way to the Last Frontier, but what I can say is he chose a quick expediter, and he took care to package the machine very well. The plastic was wrapped and wrapped and wrapped again to help ensure the salt water spray from the barge would not come in contract with my beautiful new masterpieces. They arrived a couple days earlier than I expected. Another testament that he made good choices in how he shipped to me. Since then we have played phone tag as I have a few questions, but mind you, it's my fault. My hours are for the the birds as my G'ma says. After a series of surgical procedures I am running quite slow on medication and bedrest, but I look longingly across my room at those Cobra machines. I did manage to start them up and test a strip of leather on each. Barring a few questions and one not so serious correction needed, I must say that I am honored to have done business with the man who REALLY knows how to do business. It's a BIG risk to buy big ticket items site unseen in Alaska if for the shipping price alone. I have no regrets. There will be many more people using Cobras in Alaska as soon as I can get out there and show people all the magic the machine and the man behind the machine can do. Kudos to his staff, too. It's been all a pleasure and so far, he has kept his word and not let me down a bit. If you are on the table as to which machine to order... go with the man. The machines are similar enough that you need to look beyond that. If the Cobra experience is good enough for an Alaskan, it's good enough for anyone for there can be no greater number of obstacles than that of getting things here. Let this be my testament to customer service that is not available in most places anymore. It's the old days kind of classy. The only negative thing I can say with deep deep frustration is I dreamt of deadly cobra snakes for three nights after ordering the machine. The mind is a mean mean machine in itself... But I finally slaughtered those snakes in my head and went to the local Tandy and bought a couple snake skins. They say if you can't join them.... kill them. Or buy them already dead!
  9. CyLee

    Watch Faces

    Looking for a few watch face suppliers so can make leather bands. Any suggestions for quality faces, not junk stuff. Thanks.
  10. Some people won't have the issues I have as their shop is large enough (if there is such a thing) to manage many tables and cubbies or sorts to store their hides. Others may not have this issue because they buy what they need as they need it. I, however, have major issues. I feel like I may have a successful solution to parts of my storage needs, but other parts not so much. Besides, I am always willing to grow and add to what I already have for safety, security, and such. As an Alaskan, I have limited resources for leather. If I need something, there is Tandy. Tandy is fine and dandy except, well, when it is not. I am convinced they send their crap offerings to the Last Frontier, but maybe some entire batches look that way. Recently I went in to buy some middle of the line leather to find not one single usable hide. Not one. I complained. They said they would forward my complaint. Nothing else has come of it. I am not a fan of thank you for complaining kudos so whatever. That being said, some very nice hides come from Tandy and when they do, you better bet I buy every single one. Recently I purchased a couple dozen hair on cowhides they had on sale. I took all but three of what was considered quality. Those three remain so I don't feel guilty for leaving so few for others. From there, I find shipping to be atrocious when ordering from outside, therefore I must buy in bulk to reduce the overall cost. Shipping one hide of this and one hide of that is not worth what I have to recover in shipping alone. So again, I end up with many hides. Many more than I can use quickly. I currently work out of my home where I am overrun with leather. I have my art studio which has turned into veg tan heaven. I roll it in paper and lay it on padded metal shelves careful that metal doesn't touch or even come near my leather. I cover the entire shelf with paper and sheets. Then I have a room that was an exercise room. The walls are lined with heavy duty braided wire where I am hanging my hair on cowhides. It works, but it's a big difficult to work with for a short gal. I am draping my sheepskin and goats and such over 1/2 inch dowels that are suspended from rope and layered for easy access. This leaves my oiled hides. What is the best way to deal with these? I also have my upholstery hides. Any suggestions? I'd love to see some studio pics of other leather crafter's spaces. The more the merrier. Someday I may leave this Alaska behind just to make my leather habit easier to acquire and store in a larger building. Right now, I have to work in the small space, albeit larger than most, so very much appreciate that and count my blessings. Please advise where you can. I truly appreciate all the kindness and knowledge found within this group. You are the best.
  11. The kits are great jumping off points for newbies. I bought half a dozen of those expedition bags when they were on sale for 99.00 last year or earlier this year. I figure they will be great gifts for foster kids or college students with financial hardships. I love teaching others leather crafting despite having plenty more to learn myself. Having these kits allows some to be inspired to create their own design or simply have something hand made that is precious to them. The giant holes though... I loathe those.
  12. Haha... A mechanic. I can normally count on some topic or another each time we meet up. I just had to wonder a tad bit since he supposedly lived on a working farm. However, he was also a hunting and fishing guide, yet I tie his flies and show him how to cast. So there is that, too... *laughs*
  13. Anyone know where I can find some of this? I did find it at a tourist trap here in Anchorage for $1500. That was much more than I wanted to pay, plus it had already been crafted into an item. I am looking for a hide I can craft into my own creation. I don't expect it to be cheap, but less than many people's monthly income. I added a pic so hopefully it showed up. I'm new to posting. CyLee PS Thanks in advance for thinking on this, keeping an eye out for some for me, and any leads if you have any. I love this group of fantastic people!
  14. So I have this friend... we all have a story that starts like that, don't we. Anyway, he can do anything better and knows more than Webster and Wikipedia combined. Since he knows so much, I often times discount all his thoughts. Other times, I'm perplexed trying to figure out what he said, why he would say it, and if it really even matters all all! However, usually, I'm just selectively deaf when he goes on and on and on... and on... Recently I brought home a couple dozen full hair on cowhides. They are magnificent beautifies that perhaps only those of us addicted to leather could fully appreciate. I covered my guest room bed with plastic and topped that with a few old sheets before laying them out to rest while I created a hanging system for them in my spare room, which I am running out of quickly now that leather has taken over. You know exactly what I mean, no doubt. So as I happen to be laying them across the bed, friend pops in. He talks about how I should just hang them over a metal pipe. I explain metal and leather... He disagrees. He then tells me to wrap them in a plastic bag. I explain sweating and mold. See where this is going? Then as I place one of the largest, most beautiful red hides my eyes have ever seen atop another dark hide, he says, "Now that... That one is a nice heifer." I say, "Heifer?" He says, "Yes. You can tell it's a heifer if you know your leather." Clearly, I don't know my leather as I saw no signs of gender, much less calving on this hide. Did I miss something or was this another idiotic remark I should have let roll off my back? Please offer advice because I feel if I am working with leather I should at least be able to identify a hide when the village idiot can. Laughingly, CyLee I should add, he was about 20 feet from where the hide was, so couldn't clearly see and never touched it at all.
  15. Please grant me access. Thank you, Mods.
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