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About guybell

  • Birthday 02/06/1960

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  1. Really nice!
  2. Very cool. That's dedication.
  3. guybell


    Really beautiful work!
  4. I wanted to see if I could do something in the style of Al Stohlman, so I sketched out a drawing from one of his pieces and basically used the same techniques that he taught in his many books. A lot of work.
  5. Just got this in the mail today. $150 on Amazon and works like a charm. After some problems with snaps on my last project I did some research and this tool sounded like an affordable answer.
  6. guybell

    From: Robert E Lee Wip

    Just saw this and I really appreciate the feedback. I have a great respect for the tradition of leathercraft and look forward to learning all that I can.
  7. Thanks Monica!
  8. Finally put other projects aside and finished case.
  9. Nice tooling!
  10. Thanks, joet, that's really nice of you. There is some amazing talent on here that I hope to learn from. Also, if anyone is interested, I used an old Craftool F119 for the hair. I don't reall care for the hairtool with blades that is often recommended.
  11. Carved and dyed wolf I did last night.
  12. Nice work!
  13. Thanks! I'm fairly near you down in VA so maybe we can do a project together sometime.Finished up coloring on pin up project.
  14. Beautiful! Really amazing when you see the size those flowers really are.
  15. Working on more pin ups tonight. Face referenced from an old Gil Elvgren painting.
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