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    Rawhide braiding
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    western tack, chaps, chinks, etc...

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  1. Thank you Bruce.
  2. Good afternoon Folks, Curious to here what you all are using for tools to trim the fleece off of skirts after you have finished sewing. Thought I had seen some tools once that were specifically for that purpose but can't seem to find them anywhere. Thank you, Rob
  3. Thank you all for your input!
  4. Here is a photo of the last build. Looking for input to improve the overall lines of the saddle. Thank you in advance for any input. k Haven't been on here much lately, but would like to thank everyone who takes the time to contribute. Rob
  5. Thank you Bruce!
  6. Good afternoon People, What are some options for repairing this horn, that do not include removing the swell cover? Thank you,
  7. Thank you for the input Ron. The tree is a 16”timberline Wade.
  8. Good evening Folks, Finished this up a couple of weeks ago and looking for some feedback. Not on the tooling, which was provided by the customer who has an artist in the family. If you would be so kind as to give some uncensored suggestions as to how this saddle could be laid out better. I just have the one feeling and assure you it can't be hurt. I would like to continue making saddles and will only be able to do so if the overall look and feel suits the public. I know what I will do differently next time. If it was yours to build off of what would you like to see different? In advance, your feedback is genuinely appreciated. Rob Gerbitz
  9. Much appreciated gentlemen.
  10. Hello Folks, What are some methods you all use when making a dark oil saddle to achieve the shade of color you are going for? Thank you, Rob
  11. Hello everyone, I am looking for names of people who do custom silver work for saddles. I have a lady that is looking to get a set of conchos and cantle plate made. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Rob
  12. Ed, Don Gonzales has a nice tutorial on Youtube and provides the patterns for a shave kit.
  13. Still bring green to saddle making I have a question about flat plate rigging attachment. I am working on re-fleecing a saddle that has a sewn on flat plate and am wondering what is the up-side to the time it takes to do that. Any thoughts would be welcome. Thank you.
  14. I agree to all of the above. I am still in the learning process myself. I have worn out a DVD player walking through processes with Jeremiah and Shwartz. Jeremiah does well in teaching construction and some artistry where Shwartz is always aware of the artistry of the simple lines. Get all of them as you are able.
  15. Ha! I think we may have been in the same class together Billy. And yes it was a very good class I am hoping to go again sometime. Thanks for the previous post. Real nice work.
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