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    Aviation, improving my leather craft.

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  1. Melissa, I have tried fusing fabric to leather using a spray on adhesive but did not have much luck. Maybe it was the type of glue that I used (bought it from JoAnns) but it made the leather bumpy and difficult to work with. Sorry the other "gentleman" who responded told you to go to youtube. This is supposed to be the place to ask for help.
  2. I ended up taking the machine in for service and it was out of time and the lower disk was broken so that the thread would not stay around the pin while it was sewing ( I'm probably not explaining that well). Just an FYI if anyone comes across that problem again. She is sewing like a dream now.
  3. I can't thank you all enough. I'll let you know how your responses worked ASAP.
  4. Hello I just bought a consew 206-rb5. This is my first industrial machine. I bought it from a shop that does custom car interiors. Before I bought it, the guy gave me a thorough demonstration and it worked fine. Now that I have it home and have been working with it, the machine at first was shredding the thread (size 92). I adjusted the bobbin tension and now it is leaving these big loops on the backside of the leather. I'm a complete noob and would appreciate any advice as to how to fix this.
  5. I finally finished the messenger bag. I added another inch to the gusset making it 4 inches wide instead of 3. In retrospect I wish now that I had added the handle and made the strap longer but it is very sturdy overall and I should get quite a few years of service from it. Thanks Tom for the pattern.
  6. The baby should fit in there nicely:)
  7. No matching purse for this one. It sits in the holster firmly but I can get to it easily. Don't want to pull a Suzanne Sugarbaker. www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTApd8UQLzs
  8. New holster for my Kahr CW9. No clip as the gun stays in my purse at all times. Comments are welcome and appreciated. Stacy
  9. What are the dimensions on the gussets?
  10. Thanks friends. I'll skip the suede. Is there anything else you would recommend? Pig maybe?
  11. Hi friends, I have made several holsters in the past but I have never lined them with anything. I have an idea for a new one and would like to line it with some red suede that I have left over. My question is this- when I wet the holster during the wet forming process, will it ruin the suede? Thanks in advance. Stacy
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