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About ELAD

  • Birthday 07/11/1964

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    My wife and family, performing and visual arts of all kinds, martial arts, rockclimbing and of course arms and armor.<br /><br />I'm here to affiliate with other people interested in working with leather. I find leather to be a versatile and interesting medium to work in.

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    search word custom leather purse

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  1. happy birthday

  2. I visited your website and you have some wickedly cool stuff going on there. Keep up the great work. Especially liked the wristbands with the slits and skulls. NiCe!

  3. Thanks guys. Once I get through the designing/pattern process, it's just a matter of production, but there's always just one more thing to do isn't there? ELAD www.eladsleather.com
  4. Visited your profile and you have a very nice style going on there. Dark and whimsical. I like it a lot. Keep it rolling and post more pics.
  5. I just wanted to share some pics of the completed Drow Ranger leather armor costume. I had never worn a wig or makeup for any of my pictures, so I was really pleased to see it all come together. This armor will be seen at Cirque Du Soleil, Florida "Festival of the Masters" show in September 2008 in the color green. This armor is black. www.cirquedusoleil.com This is my artistic interpretation of the look, created by the honored fantasy/sci-fi artist Todd Lockwood, for the Drow Ranger Drizzt Do'Urden of the novels by R.A. Salvatore.
  6. Thank you for Vlad's contact info - very nice work. I don't think of my 'Snoopy Cap' as Steampunk, but almost everyone does. But then, what I think is 'cute and innocent' is frequently described back to me as 'creepy and disturbing'... even in the goth community! : )

  7. Visited your website and I like your goggle helmets. There's this guy (VladislausDantes) on deviantart.com who makes some things that would work with your helmets. There's a similiar feel to both of your work.

  8. I got mine from Infinity. A little pricey, but still doing the job. ELAD
  9. I am continually amazed with all of the different things you can do with leather. Nice job. Do post your other pieces.
  10. Nice website and excellent work ~ tooling & stitching especially. I like the finish you used on your Bare Bones piece. It works. I used a similar finish on this piece. I think it has a bone quality to it.
  11. I visited your website ~ COOL. The camo kilt & leather ones are my favorite. I like the style, very practical. I never realized how many things a kilt could hold. I make leather "War Kilts", here's one of my favorites. ELAD
  12. I went and visited your website and it appears you're pretty handy with the leather too. I like the add-on option for your customers. Good idea. ELAD

  13. I visited your website and WOW! Love the masks with the spindly things coming out of the top. ELAD

  14. Thanks for visiting the website guys, which is my wife's handywork. Nobody would know about ELAD if it weren't for her. Actually, one of the main reasons I have so many different pieces is because I'm a jack-of-all trades and a master of none. Everyday is a learning experience. I tried the oven baking thing, and yes, you do have to be very careful otherwise your leather gets brittle. Sunbaking is a little more forgiving, but I've actually had my leather get overbaked in the sun. Its pretty sunny here in Colorado. ELAD
  15. Dag, I use "Super Shene" as a finish. It works great for waterproofing the leather on the inside and out. It also gives an extra stiffness to the wet-formed leather. I didn't mention on my first post, that I like to let the wet-formed leather dry in the sun. That bakes it pretty well, and also hardens the leather even more. ELAD
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