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Everything posted by Butch

  1. Thanks everyone for the input. I did buy some sharp scissors, which has helped in cutting thinner leather. Looks like I need to do more investigation in buying a Round Knife also. Thanks again
  2. Butch

    Thanks for the comment. There's really a learning curve to overcome doing this stuff and I guess you never learn it all but can only get better at it. Really nice work you do. I tried a similiar cover in sheridan, but it doesn't look anything near as nice as yours. Thanks again.

  3. Hi Heather, you sure do some great work. I'm just starting to learn braiding and I was looking at your "More Busy work" feed and was curious as to what knots you used on what might be the split reins, or straps with the orange and black knots and the tan and black knots. Very nice. Thanks, Butch

  4. llasso, I left a comment about your Roy Rogers Spur Straps that you made and again they are awesome. I do have some questions if I may ask. Do you make your own patterns? And what do you use for the lining? I'm currently attempting to make spur straps, and I'm using patterns from Tandy and bought Old West Collection Spur Leather pattern pack from Tandy.

  5. Those are awesome. I looked at some of the others that you've made also and they all look great. I've just recently started making spur straps and can only hope some day I can make some this nice.
  6. Hi Whipit. I just started making Spur Straps myself and I use 8-9 oz. I've used thicker leather but it's harder to work with. Good luck.
  7. Thanks for the info guys. I used a pill bottle cap to cut a semi circle and that helped, although I'm going to need to practice at it some more.
  8. I use an angled utility knife to cut leather and have no problem cutting straight lines because I use a steel ruler. However, I'm having a heck of a time when I try to make curves (Mostly half circles, scalloped etc). I've been folding the leather over and want both sides to be identical, but as I mentioned everything goes great until I deviate from the straight line. Is there something else that can be used that will cut the straight edge as well as make a nice clean circle? One other thing the half circles may only be 1/2" to 3/4" Thanks, Butch
  9. Hi Russ, Couldn't help but see where you're from. I live in Idaho, but head down I27 every year on our way to our property in Cross Cut, Texas which is about 50 SE of Abilene. Our plans are to move there in the next few years or so and do exactly what you mentioned: horses and cows. Take care, Butch

  10. Thanks for the offer Buffalo. I noticed the lighter colored chinks. I'll keep you in mind. It may be awhile though as I really just started and I'm working on little things right now. Thanks again

  11. Thanks for your encouragement. Butch

  12. Butch

    New Member

    Well here's my first Spur Straps that I made. The flaws are countless, but I'm completely open to critisizm. I laced the edges thinking it would look really good, but I don't like it. This is the second pair that made which I did a little bit better on. I think sewing the edges look a lot better than lace. I have to really practice the basketweave
  13. I have just recently started working with leather after first learning in Jr. High (Many years ago). I've been looking around the site admiring a lot of really nice work. Right now I'm mostly interested in Braiding leather and Leather Stamping, but mostly concentrating on Cowboy Gear. I've started with Spur Straps, but currently don't have any pictures to share with you. The first pair has a floral design and the second pair I did in basket weave. The basket weave is quite crooked and I would image it takes a lot of practice to keep straight lines. I bought Encyclopedia of Rawhide and Leather Braiding by Bruce Grant, but so far braiding knots has been uneventful. One more thing that will take a lot of practice. Take care.
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