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Everything posted by diibbles134

  1. I’m looking to try to get into doing bike seats , where did you start, is there any material to help with kind of guiding the process or do you have any advice for someone who haven’t done one
  2. If you don’t mind me asking what do you sell your bags at price point wise, I find that the hardest for myself is proving my work
  3. Thanks that means a lot , I sit back and look and nit pick mistakes and say to myself my work is not on level with what many people put on here. So hearing such positive responses is encouraging. I started on my second one and changed a few things and added a little more complexity to it with some Sheridan carving will show when I finish
  4. Hey thanks, couple things to work on but I don’t think to bad for first go at it
  5. Haha I know, especially since I’m also making her a saddle
  6. First bible cover i have made. My finace wanted one for her birthday.
  7. So the inlay here is the piece of stingray that I have accented in the middle , basically what I do is instead of using a thicker leather for the holster I use two thinner oz pieces and put the inlay piece in between . On the front piece of leather I will cut out the desired shape I want to have the inlay price be and then see it all together
  8. No just an inlay slightly larger than the opening , my first time working with sting ray it’s tough stuff to work with
  9. It’s looks closer than it is but yea it is still a bit close , I missed it in my design work , silly mistake
  10. not finished 100 percent yet but i bought this pistol for my fiance for xmas and i wanted to take some time away from orders and make her a holster. let me know what you think.
  11. not finished 100 percent yet but i bought this pistol for my fiance for xmas and i wanted to take some time away from orders and make her a holster. let me know what you think.
  12. this holster isnt finished yet but thought i would throw it up. still have some painting to finish. im going through the new york state trooper academy and my class voted me to do the class gifts for our training officers. i decided to do custom holsters for them with the thin blue line flag.
  13. Ok cool I'll give that a look as well, any info I can get the better
  14. Ok I'll take a look at that thank you, I just wanted to figure out first because I would hate to get into it only to find it won't sit properly on the horse
  15. So I'm getting ready to do my first saddle and was wondering if anyone had any simple things they used to make sure both side rigging were in line with each other? If I can help it I would like not to build the one in al stolhmans boom because I don't have a way to weld the metal rods
  16. Oh cool! Something you do on the side? I've been looking for somewhere to have a stamp made with my fire department emblem
  17. Where did you get the stamp for that? But it looks very solid , very impressive. Im a firefighter, done a bunch of helmet fronts but haven't gotten into radio holders yet , next on the list
  18. Thanks , yea I was really happy with how the floral came out. Um I would say few hours on the tooling I'm not as fast as some others, try resending your picture it didn't show up, and yes the original pattern was from Tandy but I modified it kinda combined chap types and made it more of a open leg shotgun style chap
  19. I don't right this minute, it happened on a wallet that I gave to my fiancé father, that antique in the floral carving has pretty much vanished
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