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Everything posted by HARVEY

  1. The first thing that struck me was that oval. REALLY nicely done. Smooth, not wobbly or choppy. Very pleasing to the eye. I for one (but I'm a nobody, Tom) like the smoothness of your lines. When ending them, they might taper off a tad more, but I'll leave that to the experts. Also, you might work on your depth a bit more, make the flowers, stems more 3-dimensional. BUT . . . it's a very nice job. Harvey Los Angeles
  2. Always a pleasure to see basketweaving well done. That basket stamp -- looks like Jeremiah Watt's. Yes/no?
  3. OK, Friends and Neighbors, through the courtesy of Bruce Johnson, Leatherman and Saddlemaker Extraordinaire, my photos are posted. They're under "Ain't Gonna Win No Prizes" heading, about 9-10 comments down. I mention this not `cause the project is great (if you notice in the little write-up besides all our names, under "Specialty", mine says "mistakes), but `cause I myself enjoy seeing what others do. Thank ya kindly, Bruce, there's a DQ waitin' for you in either Cody or Sheridan. Your choice. Harvey
  4. Any suggestions on how to bleach leather? The look I want to accomplish is that of a pale or white area. I don't want to use white paints or dyes if there's an alternate way. Any suggestions? Thanks. Harvey Los Angeles
  5. Yeah, all my life I've been known for that rabbit. My old intro for myself used to be, "My name's Harvey, as in rabbit or wallbanger." It's been a great way for people to remember my name (except for the one ditsy girl who instead called me "Bugs." You know how far THAT relationship went!)
  6. Well, this sure won't win any prizes, but it's for me personally anyways. Ooops . . . it's out there somewhere (probably in the Delta Quadrant. Oh, well . . . )
  7. Thank you, one and all, for all the help. I have forwarded your e-mails to my IT people (my 3rd son), and we'll move from there. Thanks once again, Guys ! (uh, generically speaking). Harvey
  8. (I hope this is the right forum in which to ask. Apologies if not.) Is there a way to download videoclips from YouTube onto my own DVD? I'm using a PC, windows XP. Please answer here on OR offline if you want at: Harvey47Lutske@yahoo.com THANKS!! Harvey
  9. Question: where online should I look to get an introduction and overview about sewing machines?? I don't want to sew saddles, elephants, or anything really heavy duty. Maybe -- at best -- briefcases, but more like 3-ring binders, notepad holders, etc. Where might you folks suggest I look for intro and overview info? Thanks! Harvey Los Angeles
  10. Reading the news is always a removed sort of experience. But I can feel for the folks in Australia (aside from having a cousin and family in Melbourne). Here in Southern California, every year we have fires. Los Angeles County, San Diego County, Santa Barbara County; from the US-Mexico border north for 200 miles or so. These are no small things. The power of an uncontrollable fire is just about indescribable. As one who has walked through urban fire areas where homes block after block have been destroyed, you can't help but feel the human loss. You need common sense, caution and to listen to the authorities. The sad part is, some people NEVER learn. As of this writing, the news is reporting 84 dead. Eighty-four people, eighty-four voices, faces, personalities. A terrible loss. Harvey Los Angeles
  11. That looks rally sharp; clean, distinct. You've got an admirer here! Harvey
  12. I was talking with an illustrious fellow LW.net member about the cover of the recent issue (Jan/Feb. 2009) of the LCSJ. He said the color of the piece was mud. That being non-specific, I thought it looked like the Northern Illinois mud of my youth. I could, however, be mistaken. Any opinions on this: central Missourah mud, Louisiana Delta mud, maybe southern Colorado? Any thoughts? Harvey
  13. Nah, no special pattern. But like so many others, I'm always on the lookout for a new pattern to challenge or inspire me. As I browse through my collected magazine issues, or the Baird volumes, or other saved pieces, I still look for things. For example, in last month's LCSJ issue, I took out the floral pattern and in examining/studying it, separated part of the overall design to use a section on a notepad holder. I was just thinking about a central collection category. Johanna, sorry if it sounded like I was crabbing; that wasn't my intent. Apologies, and once again, thank you for ALL the work you do for the rest of us. It does NOT go unappreciated. Harvey
  14. Hi, Johanna. Looks like there's been no response to my "is there any section here where there are actually share-able patterns?". As such, what do you and the other administrators think of such a category? IILG has such, and even Tandy's website has several freebies (Jim Linnell, Tony Laier). Surely there must be some members willing to share patterns w/those of us who are pattern-challenged (and/or lazy). Whatcha think about having a downloadable category? Is it do-able? Harvey
  15. Is there somewhere on LW.net where patterns are actually posted? Harvey
  16. Uh . . . can those of us who treat our bodies as temples (and if you saw me you'd see I've been prayin' a l-o-n-g time), can we get a hot chocolate substitute? With little marshmallows or whip cream on top?? Harvey
  17. Is there a rule-of-thumb as to how wide the spine should be on a notepad holder? Even though I have done holders for pads 8.5x11" and 5x8" I always guesstimate it, and am not comfortable with that. Likewise, I want to do a mini- notepad holder for a pad 3.5 x 5.25", and am unsure how wide that curved spine should be. Any guidelines or suggestions, folks? Thanks. Harvey
  18. Wow! What an eye-catcher! Really unique. Let's see more. Harvey
  19. Thank you for the kind words, one and all. On woodgrain, I changed the style on the remake, and am beginning to think less is more. On the side of one of Bruce's briefcases, I studied his method, only to discover he used laminate. (Ok, ok, it's still early in the morn, New Year's day). I have looked at other leather projects doing grain. WC suggested trying a hairblade as well. Thanks again; I am always open to suggestions. (If anybody hurts my feelings, I just find my way to the refrigerator. ) Harvey
  20. Here's another notepad holder but one that never left the shop. It didn't pass the Lutske Quality Control Test. Main reason: using 2/3oz, I managed to cut through the leather on the front. Even the stiffener underneath didn't stop the leather from separating. (One option could have been to cut out the whole panel and use it as an insert atop another piece, but I chose not to). Lesser reason: the more I looked at the woodgrain, the more it looked like the tree grew underwater. The overall impression, I think, is OK, but looking at it closely, I just wasn't satisfied with it. So, I just re-did the whole thing. The backside is the arrowhead basket weave pattern, using a custom Bob Beard basketweave stamp, and one of Barry King's border stamps: I love the double row pattern. I sure am getting in plenty of practice, but that's OK. I've been in a slump for so long, I'm happy just to be carving and stamping again. Harvey
  21. OK. Here it is again, a work in progress. As stated before, this still needs to be sewn, trimmed, and edged. It's for a handyman who did some work for my wife and I. A 5"x7" notepad holder, pocket on the inside which is totally plain. Backside has a circular Gore braid stamp pattern; just something to fill in an otherwise blank back. Made from pretty thin 2-3oz leather w/cardboard stiffeners and finished with X-1. I have "modified" the original and intended design with, shall we say, some of my own "innovations." (Er . . . don't look too close). Harvey
  22. OK, Guys, let's see if this works.
  23. Thanks for the tip, Allen, but . . . !#&%*&!! Que la frigada?!? In drerd mit dem fahcockteh progrehm. Vehr g'hargit!! Lila sheetsha! Lila waste walake sni yelo!! (Ahem . . .) now that I have expressed myself as best I can, I'm gonna have to wait for my 21-yr-old home-for-the-holidays college son to take a look at this. What can I say, guys? I just don't have the head for this. My level of technology kind of maxed out with tipi construction. Aarghh!!! Harvey
  24. I'm not sure if I'm doing this correctly, so bear with me. This is a 5x7 notepad holder for a handyman who's been doing some remodeling for us. It still needs to be sewn, trimmed and finished. Inside is plain, with a pocket on the left side. Back has a simple circle design. Basically just plain and simple with a few design "modifications." Harvey
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