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About chainftw

  • Birthday 08/08/1965

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    South Carolina
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  1. No, not what I’m looking for but I’ll keep you in mind if I need a stamp
  2. No... I’ll send pic ..
  3. No it would look like this that I did, but without having to hand cut the letters out ..
  4. Look closely at them and you will see .
  5. Found this on here from a while ago ..
  6. Looking for a filigree letter stamp set . Made by nocona Or anyone else . It cuts out spaces between letters as it stamps . I’m ready and willing!!! Thanks
  7. Anyone know who made those block letter stamps that also cut the space between the letters ? I know there not made Anymore but I’d love to find a set !! Thanks!
  8. Hey all just wondering if anybody has used a high speed engraving machine like the SCM 400 or similar tool like in picture below, to do filigree cut out work on leather ?? It seems to work good on egg shells lol ! Thanks
  9. Hey all just wondering if anybody has used a high speed engraving machine like the SCM 400 or similar tool like in picture below, to do filigree cut out work on leather ?? It seems to work good on egg shells lol ! Thanks
  10. Anything yet in regards to the belt roller embosser?

  11. Anything yet in regard to the belt roller embosser

  12. Hopefully 2 more weeks , the shafts where machined the wrong size!!!
  13. Ok thanks .
  14. I do realize that but it’s in design .Should be ready to Go in about two weeks . just wanted to see if I should possibly market it since I made and designed this for myself , because $600 for one seems ridiculous.
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