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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    wallet, pouch, watchstrap, and another strap,
  • Interested in learning about
    shoesmaking especially leather sneaker,

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  1. hi, just want to share some fresh made watch strap i finished, a handdyed strap in gun metal color, with some edge-periment. a vegtanned leather with textured finish in brown, a trial on gloss edge finish. Thank you,
  2. Since i can't edit my post, i'll post my sample works here, Thank you,
  3. Hi, i'm raditya, i'm a leathercrafter based in Indonesia. I already post on another subforum at LW.net but haven't introduce my self. I run a small leathercraft business called Makai Handmadegoods. You can check my finished goods on Instagram, and i can also be contacted using email, or just send private message through Insta or Leatherworker.net Here's some sample of my finished stuff, some
  4. Hi, i haven't had any issues with the wrap until now and i hope i never have issue with the wrap either.
  5. Hey LW, just want to share me recent work, The detail : • Indonesian calf skin ±1mm thick • Water based dye - dark brown color • Handwaxed nylom thread - 3mm spacing • Handcafted by me Thank you and enjoy,
  6. thank you, i'm using 3mm diamond and japan ramie thread approx. 0.8 mm..
  7. hey leatherworkerer, i want to ask how you do a leather woven..? i'm interested to make some stuff using that i attach a sample image what i want to learn..the image is found on the internet and not mine thank you,
  8. hay there, i started my small leather business, and want to sell a watch strap, a 2 pieces zulu strap, and every strap is made by order only. it comes with silver brushed buckle and white thread. the straps are handdyed and 100% handcrafted. the price of this strap is USD 31 and free shipped worldwide. PM for my email or order it using my etsy shop : https://www.etsy.com/shop/MakaiHandmadegoods check the attached image to see the strap. thanks in advance, Raditya,
  9. hey.. I want to ask everyone about cardslots.. How to make the cardslots flat..?? Everytime i make more than 3 cardslots it's going to bulking.. Any tips and trick on tthat.. Thank for any reply..
  10. Thanks Matt.. I got more knowledge here.. Great link too..
  11. So..what about waxed ramie or hemp..?? Is it will ripped thr leather..?? And what is the meaning of size 20/3, 16/5, 30/3, 16/3..??hiw to convert them to mm size..?? Thanks again Matt..
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