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About moon

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    knife sheaths
  • Interested in learning about
    improving my meager skills
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    knifenetwork forum

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  1. I took some small p.v.c. about 6" long set them on their side and glue them together. Glue each layer you put on. The best part is you can use different sizes of p.v.c. Any other questions give me a holler, Moon.

  2. Very nice work.I'm near Marietta where are you at?

  3. WOW!!! Stunning work. We still need to get hooked up. Moon
  4. moon

    Stamp holder

    ;[/img] I got tired of digging thru my stamp drawer to find a stamp. So with some of the ideas I got from here I thought why not PVC. The best part, if it gets full just add more PVC. Happy stamping!!!!
  5. Nice job, I've done a few shirts and a pair of pants but never a dress, well done!!!! Moon
  6. Try www.hideandfur.com I use their elk for making shirts and pants, top quality stuff.
  7. I've got an '88 dresser that I'm just about done with. All I need now is a new seat and a set of bagger apes.I'll try to get some pics this weekend.Moon
  8. Looks like a keeper,nice job. I don't suppose your name has anything to do with what you ride does it? Moon
  9. Here's another vote for hideandfur.com.I've gotten a bunch of antler off of them,great people to work with.
  10. Thanks,that got me going in the right direction and I got what I needed.Thanks again,Moon
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