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About donholloway

  • Birthday 07/26/1960

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Bucks County, Pennsylvania
  • Interests
    family, community, church

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    saddlebags, everyday carry bags
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  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. I just sent an email.
  2. Hi, I'm looking for an edge beveler in operating condition. Please message me here. Don
  3. This is wonderful. Did you put anything across the ridge under the handle to reinforce it? I'm going to try and build one and don't have that figured out yet.
  4. donholloway


    Did you get rid of it?
  5. I’m interested, and tried to message you, but couldn’t.
  6. Message sent. I'm interested.
  7. I'm interested, but suspect you may already be gone
  8. Thanks! I love this kind of stuff. Great for ideas.
  9. Very useful post. I have been experimenting with finishing different processes to try and really understand "what does what". Right now I am working on straps that I want to be pliable, and really feel natural and wonderful. I've decided to try neats foot, sunshine, then add some color once I know what the oiled color looks like, then seal with some kind of beeswax compound. I first tried applying the neats foot with a wool dauber and it came out too blotchy. I couldn't control it very well. I switched to a piece of old T shirt, which I would put some neats foot on, then work it in with my hands, then apply to the strap. Much better. I hadn't thought about flannel, but suspect that will be even better to work with. I am letting them soak for a day (may give the blotchy ones a week). I was originally planning a 50/50 beeswax/neats foot combination as a finish, but now suspect it will be a bit too oily. Thanks again for sharing your experience, I am happy to do the same.
  10. Thank you, these are wonderful.
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