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Everything posted by Crystal

  1. Custom order- not sure I'd have ever come up with an angus and a pink rose on my own. :-) Pictures are not coming out the way I'd like- I have a new camera and it is not as nice as the Olympus I used to use. One of these days I will have to get a light box made up and see if that and a tri-pod help with the photos. 32 yards of 3/32" lace in 1,718 holes... yup I counted! Crystal
  2. Thank you so very much, everyone! I appreciate all the feedback! No airbrushing! Just brush. I do have an airbrush- it's in a box somewhere but I haven't a clue where or even how to use it when I do find it again. Thanks, Pete- but I don't think I am ready for that kind of "prime time" yet. Hmmm, Tina. I think I learned that detail thing from my favorite Swede! Again- thanks, everyone! Crystal
  3. From the album: Crystal's Work

    © © leatherworker.net

  4. From the album: Crystal's Work

    © © leatherworker.net

  5. Crystal


    Looks great! Thanks for sharing how to make it!
  6. I needed some eye candy this week! Thanks, Bobby. Your photo is much better than the cover, glad you decided to show it off! I also have Bobby's book and can't even begin to say enough good things about it.! Crystal
  7. Looks like it is going to be a great lineup of classes, Bob! Someday you're going to have to travel east of the Mississippi river! Crystal
  8. Thank you, Bobby and Rhide!
  9. Thank you. Sorry- no before paint pics, I almost forgot to take an after picture.
  10. Thank you, Boma. I haven't had a lot of luck painting things that get hard use. I think for those I should have just used dyes.
  11. Thank you, Johnny! Thank you! The diameter to the outside gold border was 14". Thank you, Stephan. I was stuck on another project a while ago and someone suggested making a clock out of it. Now everything looks like a clock! Thanks, Andrew. I used Angelus acrylic. I think I either got it from http://peasandcornco.com/shoeandleathercare/angelusacrylicpaint.asp or from http://turtlefeathers.net/text/angelus/paint.html .
  12. Thank you, Tatehunt! Thanks, Dirtclod!
  13. A clock I made up for a Marine's retirement gift from his family. Thanks for looking! Crystal
  14. Ray- I have to go off topic here and tell you I love the black rats!! So cool! Have any bats for the belfry? Crystal
  15. Hi Ray- I personally do not like the aluminum shovels. For me, the snow seems to stick to aluminum more than plastic. You'll end up knocking as much off of the shovel as you do scooping. Only real tip I'd relay would be to get a shovel with the ergonomic handles on them. Easier on the back than the straight handles. Keep after the snowfall- it's easier to shovel an inch or two at a time than to try to tackle 2 feet all at once. Crystal
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