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Everything posted by Crystal

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  2. #101 #102 #103 #104 #105 #106 #107 #108 #109 #110 #111 #112 #113 #114 #115
  3. Thank you, Billy H. Rhide- this site has been such an inspiration to me I am happy that I am able to pass a little of that inspiration along! Good luck and post your progress! Thanks so much, Crystal
  4. Montanadreams: Johanna and Panther posted show pictures in the gallery http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?app=gallery&module=cats&do=sc&cat=5

  5. Thanks for the show pictures, Jo!

  6. Happy 35th, Madmax!

  7. Beautiful job, Bonnie. Crystal
  8. Very nice tutorial, Mat. Thanks for taking the time to do this for all of the LW members. I am going to pin it so folks can find it. Thanks again! Crystal
  9. Hi Hilary! There are other folks from your part of the world on here, so I am sure if you have any trouble locating materials, etc, someone should be able to chime in to help out. It sounds like you have a really cool gift to work on. We won't spill the beans and tell anyone what you are working on! Keep us posted on your progress. Can't wait to see it! Crystal
  10. Welcome aboard, Bradley! There's a lot of information here on sheaths, grab some coffee and read away. There are also some mask makers running about. We love pictures, so feel free to show off your work, or ask questions, or jump in with any advice you may have for someone else. Crystal
  11. I knew there was something missing in my shop! Crystal
  12. Thanks, Bruce! That's going to help. I hadn't thought about having it lower and being able to raise it with the top of the arm. I was going to make it stationary at the top, and remove it when I needed to. This will save some time. I did have the folding legs in mind, but didn't know Ace carried them. Thanks again! Crystal Thank you, Dirtclod! I also have a piece of countertop I was going to use. After Bruce's suggestions, I think I will need to go a bit larger than I originally had in mind. I was going more of a 3x2 size because of a doorway. But now, I may see if I can hinge like you are thinking of while incorporating the folding legs. (Maybe). Thanks! Crystal
  13. I have the basic idea. I was just looking for some suggestions on things to consider when making it up. There's always more than one way to skin a cow! Thanks, Kevin! Crystal
  14. I like them all! I also am drawn more to the one without the flower centers. Crystal
  15. Hi all! I need to build a work platform for a cylinder head sewing machine. If you have any tips, tricks or suggestions I am all ears! What are the dimensions that work well for you for front, back and side work room? Best way to attach to the exisiting table? Foolproof way to cut in the angle to accomondate the difference in width on the cylinder area from the top to the sides? ( I really don't want to cut and re-cut and cuss and re-cut....) Thank you! Crystal
  16. From your website it looks like you have some very happy feet customers out there! Crystal
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