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Everything posted by Crystal

  1. That would put a smile on my face, too! Congrats! Crystal
  2. Hi- The leather was probably 4 ounce, if I remember correctly. I did wet it and form it to the flask, put some weights on it and let it dry before finishing. I did use double sided carpet tape to keep it in place after that. Crystal
  3. Crystal

    Sculpted Flowers

    Perfect present, Johnny! They last forever and never need water. They are also beautiful! Crystal
  4. Crystal

    Cape Buffalo

    I think you know I think this is AWESOME!! Crystal
  5. Thanks, everyone! The sour face is probably because he knew he was being made into an April Fool... And he's been very unhappy since he learned he's wearing girl gear! Crystal
  6. shhh... don't tell him that! We also found ole Jimme at the pound. Hope we get as many years with him as you did with yours! Crystal
  7. Crystal (Isn't he a good sport?)
  8. Thanks for the extra pictures, Tina! Wow. What a way to dress up a horse! Looks great! Crystal
  9. Beautiful bag! I like how you did the draw close on the inside and the carving is great! Can't say I've seen that on a lot of HD's! Crystal
  10. That's cool! You have to get some pictures of it on the horse! Excellent job! Crystal
  11. Here's a link from Jazzdude's info: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=16889&st=0&p=109047&hl=+black%20+and%20+silver%20+holster&fromsearch=1entry109047 Nice work on that, ArtS. Pretty, pretty holster! Crystal
  12. Hey Ray- Give this (or something similar) a try: http://www.sewthankful.com/CollinsFabricGlueStick.html . It will tack down a zipper and holds it well while sewing. Just don't ask me what to do after that! I don't have that part figured out yet! Crystal
  13. If you are looking for a little more carving room you could try a Mexican Loop style sheath. I haven't done any holsters like that but this is similar to that style: Here's a link to a LW post with a holster in that style: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=17121&st=0&p=110151&hl="mexican%20loop"&fromsearch=1entry110151 If you do a site search for "Mexican Loop" you can see some other styles and applications. Good luck! CrystaL
  14. Crystal

    7O saddle 3.jpg

    Wonderful colors on that, Josh! Very nice saddle! Crystal
  15. Very sharp! I really like the style. Crystal
  16. Thanks, Hilly! It's from one of the Dover publications "Florid Victorian Ornament". Crystal
  17. Crystal


    From the album: Crystal's Work

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  18. Crystal


    From the album: Crystal's Work

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