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Everything posted by thunter9

  1. hello i'll try and explain all of this from the very start. first find a pc of 1/2 inch steel rod about 1/2 inch long ... now start to drill a 3/16---1/4 inch hole on one end. drill as deep as you want to dome the rivet. now grinds a long taper about 3/4 inch down to about 1/16 from the edge of the hole. now thats done find a #grade 8 bolt about 2 1/2 inches long and 5/8 to 3/4 in in size. drill a 3/16 hole on the end. go about 1 3/4 deep [ you want the hole deep enough so you can set the washer and not bottom out. and the hole big enough so the rivet slides easy as for the cutter either side or end cutters try and cut as cllose to the washer as you can but move it just slightly . if that makes any cents. while tapping on the rivet set move it arouind in a cyrcler motion while you trying to set the rivet. if every thing looks good center it up and set it one more time
  2. you ever find out let me know. other than a new coyboy 4500 money money. still not bad price for a compleat unit. as for used i'''''m not sure. i would like to find a good used triple feed machine. cylinder head ..., shuttle hook with reverse . what gets me everyone says they keep finding them and i keep looking
  3. fron left feild: if someone was looking for a machine thats comparible if say a cow boy 4500 or 3500. what older machine out there will do basicly the same. use the heavyier thread,reverse would be nice , and a cylinder arm. I like the triple feed . so if any one knows ,could you let me know what i should be looking for . now if any one out there knows any one that would consider a partial trade of some old gomph w.rose. osborne hand tools 11 hole rein rounder osborne stiching horse bevelers.,creasers,over stich wheels brass draw knife osborne. 12 asst. gomph creasers nail puller french edger. these are all marked Hope some one can hepl to point me in the right direction T Hunter
  4. . picked up an old frazier saddle this past weekend cast iron round stirrups and brass horn built in saddle bags stamped pat.apr.for carved nude on the fenders can anyone out there give me some info. on this saddle. like to date this other than 1890-1945 when ever the com. pany closed
  5. sorry to hear. i'm writing because i picked up at auction this last week end a r.t. frazier saddle. in very good condition other than the rawhide is mostly missing from the crandle . the saddle measures 14 1/2 has built in saddle bags and a small pouch in back. and it has a bent over nude covering her self. thing is its tooled under the skirt pat.apr. for cast iron round stirrups and a brass horn. and every thing is marked with logos
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