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Everything posted by thunter9

  1. oh the man with the questions. right now I'm just getting set up after years of working for some one else. I have some stuff buried but still need to build me a good table for lay out and to work at. one of my first projects will be making harness straps for some sleigh bells I have . going natural or tan rather than conventional black . so i'll need some 1 1/4 stapled loops but don't how many yet . that why the gift certificate sounds so good.
  2. now as for price i'll be fair. shipping that's on you would rather swap for hardware or leather even an a account say at weavers you pay them in my name but like I said let me put this together first. by the way my name is Terry
  3. so hold your horses and let me get done what I need to. find out what I have grade the condition as if all the pages are even there . as for books and patterns from the golf bag to the guitar case. ahoy coat I'm not even sure what else
  4. I hate typing do you speak English lol just kidding. the one oct - nov for sure aug sept part yes have to see what I can put together lets just say more than would fill an old long neck card board case. closer to 2 ,73-90 and most every pattern I could buy that tandy sold and books whether I want to keep some or not I'm still not sure most I'd be more than happy to get rid of I should prof read these before I post lol
  5. where do you live I'm in Iowa to many to ship if you want them and some of the old books I have or patterns from the mid 70's I just need to get to them I sure there are or were so mice for all the time they've been stored got a repair man coming tomorrow you up by Sparta ?
  6. let me take a look I have a pile of them get back in a day or two
  7. what are you saying is a far price ? I've bought from mac pherson leather in seattle or his brother at Montana leather in billings if I can cut around some scaring i'll buy their mid grade
  8. from what was told to me .those high back saddles from that era just won't fit the horses today. every thing was smaller back then. this summer I picked up a good Frazier high back saddle that's in really good condition. several told me as a work of art it great but as being usable its not . this a saw buck saddle with oxbow stirrups it even has the saddlebags built in. all that I ever needed to do was wipe it down with skidmore a fue times and its good to go. great saddle I plan on selling in the coming months and buy a new sewing machine www.western-saddle-guide.com /gallery I think this is the right web page you will see where some has done what your asking to do have fun look on the left side and open the gallery where in Montana i'll be there in 3 weeks between the flakes any way
  9. wow top shelf if there ever was one top shelf if there ever was one nice , wow top shelf if there ever was one
  10. I'm going to talk about this product one last time renaissance wax polish was invented in the 50's by scientists at the British museum at the palace or some such they wanted something that worked better than what was being used. this is what they came up with. they kept it for over 20 years before they let anyone know about it. the use it on most everything. leather medal glass paintings paper I hate saying this but you need to at least look it up if no try it or I feel your just narrow minded . some one here says if we don't share what we learn we will know nothing I feel if we as men never shared we'd still be in the caves here in the USA its used at the Smithsonian .NRA and several colleges and museums around the country so get over it
  11. this might be I left field , I ran into this product a year ago liked it so well the wax I used is called renaissance micro-crystalline wax polish the company sells a rust remover no sure whats it called amazon sells some of their products. theirs a distributor in Florida . if google the product their are come video and things you can read about I suggest you look it up no harm done. you should be able to find it was invented it england
  12. I've always been parcel to Osborne rather than gingher I thought the Osborne was better steel and held the edger longer the left handed are far between any more . I use a set if Compton u set 14 inches I picked up years ago a these a way heavy duty at an auction those old scissors were made with a lot better steel
  13. I don't know , could be you started sewing it together at the top rather than at the point , hey I've been wrong before
  14. WELL I'VE LEARNED SOMETHING ,,,, be good if it works
  15. is there some one out there selling palmers? years ago while I was going the school I worked at a place that repaired palmers . we had them in stacks , have no idea where we got them. far as I know they had a clicker and did them a hide at a time either way does any one sell them . now to existed about trying to cut them out 1 glove at a time .
  16. their use to se a color -dye -paste came in a tube called color???? that was real good it was made in Germany or some where over there. came in several shades of the cream colors and a lot of others . they are so hard to match the sprays I'd stay away from the shoe type polishes like meltonion it will polish but you won't get much if any dye out of it. . if the surface is worn off good luck. I'd use a neutral polish use as for cleaning I'd wipe it down lightly with a stuff called solvent #2 I'd test it first though. then I'd try the neutral polish. theirs some stuff sold by amazon that won't harm at all its called renaissance micro-crystalline wax polish . I've used it on leather,wood metal ,ect google it , watch it and try it and then be amazed
  17. www.thehcc.org this might have a listing for cordwainers in England
  18. LDPE is far better it won't dull your knife
  19. if I had the room I'd go buy a 4' x 2' sheet of 1/4 inch polyethylene low density should be able to get at a orthotic and prosthetic shop central fab. I'd use the pound-o board for the drive punches
  20. if I get over that way I might stop in if that's OK .THINK I'LL PASS ON THE leather should be a good buy for some one though sorry
  21. if any one is interested in how leather is tanned? go to honourable cordwainers company to the resources to guild library under recipe for making Russia leather this is all listed on the left side of there web page try this www.thehcc.org/ not for the novice might as well start your own company 100 cow hides enjoy
  22. friends in zerring they have the art in the park
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