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Everything posted by thunter9

  1. if your talking about granular type cork as in powdered. I'd look to where latex is sold they use to use it in making arch supports only company that use to sell it 15-20 years ago was sold off to several different places and some of those were sold. knit-rite in KC you can get both old rubberized cork that comes in 1/4 " or sheeting as thin as 1/8 the rubber type add some masters to the top surface heat it in a toaster oven keep your eye one it about 250-275 it will puff up and git gets like a rag and stick it in where you want it and let it cool check with fillauer tenn i'll see what I can find not sure where ,,, I'd bet it still out there now the mask makers are using latex
  2. thunter9


    thank you Ron. I'll give them a call wed
  3. thunter9


    I'm trying to find sheep skin with 1/2 " nap not what is being used for saddle lining . what I find is what is used in the ortho field or in the hosp. for sores ect. this stuff has a 1 inch nap. what I'm looking for is what was used in sheep skin coats. any help will HELP thank you folks
  4. I/ve used it for years. it will clean[bleach] leather. the water will only dissolve so much keep it in a plastic bottle. once you've wiped down a project. rinse it off the project and let dry over night. I would use rubber gloves. as for exposure never thought about it , has that acid odder but only faint . but who knows it might be killing me and I just don't know it. it will remove smudges from handling the project before its dyed and all. never knew about the wood bleach acid thing so I've learned something
  5. thunter9

    Sheep skin

    as in lamb / very thin 1-2 oz. , comes in some colors try 800 527 0227
  6. https://www.facebook.com/groups/504927026204408/permalink/1151024944927943/ try here not the right size sorry
  7. all I can say is keep trying. the leather dbl shoulders are great. call him at some point you'll get through
  8. Wiz : can you  answer me this? if I dye a  belt black and they want some left natural  do I need to do anything special .

    1. thunter9



      this what you want to see


    2. Johanna


      You resist the letters with Neat Lac or the equivalent and use Antique (water based) to color the belt. Then you seal it. You can use dye but you have to paint it very carefully around the letters. Please post these questions on the forum to get the best answers ASAP. 

    3. thunter9




      I tried posting it twice and it never got posted. and I couldn't find it that I even tried to  post it.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  9. at times I feel I'm needing to relearn how to do leather work. . I started doing this type of work 50 years ago. got some what removed 35 years ago, now I want to do it again. I'm finishing up a guitar strap ,all they wanted was their name with the strap dyed black and their name left natural. first should I dye the strap black and being careful and with a paint brush around the lettering. should I use a base coat before I use the fiebing dye or should I use this new oil dye with or not a base dye [ I was taught to use choc. after I get that done what if any should be added to the lettering. then a final coat to seal the dye so it won't bleed like I said I feel like I'm just starting out now if anyone wants to know hot to make a thigh lacer for a prosthetic just ask
  10. who's the leather dying  person here .

    1. Halitech


      Hi. Why not ask your question in the How do I do that section of the forum and someone will answer you and then we can all learn :)

  11. titles and tags hope it makes since . they use to make and offer for sale leather 3 sided corners they were used on luggage and bags. are they offered for sale any where now. I know I could make them ,easier to buy if there out there
  12. Scott I should of looked the site over more closely I see a fue of the buckles I would of used
  13. if you want shuttles go to any of the big boys Ralph's power industrial sewing machine Denver , bob in ohio
  14. why send me a phone number and not answer

    1. goldstamping


      Still a bit confused. I thought I had returned all the phone calls we received. Give me your number and I will be glad to call you tomorrow if that works for you. I am not going to make excuses, I just really thought we had returned all the calls.

    2. thunter9
  15. zipper chain

    where can you find two way zipper chain the type you'd use on a bag I want to run the zipper slides face to face. also want to use brass chain if I can. OR can I run the pulls from both ends I'm already confused  hope for the help

  16. I don't know what to think? have left numerous messages here. called numerous times never seems to call back or anything. this is getting old HAS ANYONE BOUGHT ANY OF THIS it post started over 1 1/2 weeks ago. . guess its been 9 days . maybe his phones flying off the hook. and he's just to busy to remember to call or leave me a message. good luck on getting any of this. its the second weekend lol
  17. I see colt has used sheep lining get with 1/4 nap mac person should have that if you go that way
  18. you could use several things 1. 1/8 plastzote pink try a shoe finding store ,, orthotic shop 2 1/8 felt old school orthotic shop 3 1/8 sponge rubber thing is you want it soft enough that it works under the lining leather and just that little bit can make it seem to firm another chose is spenco and ppt spenco is what wet suits are made of and PPT is shoe insole materal check with mac pherson leather co. in seatle
  19. Just a fue questions.where are you at. And how much are you sell
  20. I hope this works and finds it way to you Wizcrafts :

    I got the CB4500 I've been wanting and as always  my phone calls to Bob either go to voice mail or he calls back and I miss the call [phone tag]

    you always seem to have a lot of answers to a lot of questions

    of the different presses feet the RT and LT I can understand

    the double is for everyday use

     the blanket with the teeth to help pull it along

    as for the holster foot and plate I just don't understand

    I hope you can enlighten me on why its shaped like it is and why


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