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Everything posted by thunter9

  1. i live in iowa. i have a cowboy 4500 with 8 spools of thread,extra needles ,and extra bobbins. it has the whole package . i will take 2200 its late here now. just saw this. bought it from bob
  2. tryhttps://www.yellowpages.com/denver-co/mip/ralphs-industrial-sewing-machine-5526856 https://www.powersew.com/
  3. is there any one that is making suspenders. looking for 10 pr. that have double clasp on the ends
  4. it really depends on what thread size you want to use. and the size needles you have. they say tigar thread is some of the best but not your only chose. https://www.mainethread.com/ these guys do ok with many colors. the buckle guy also carries some of both it really depends on what thread size you want to use. and the size needles you have. they say tigar thread is some of the best but not your only chose. https://www.mainethread.com/ these guys do ok with many colors. the buckle guy also carries some of both https://www.thethreadexchange.com
  5. https://montanaleather.com/product-category/leather/saddlery-leather/
  6. you might contact ralph's industral sewing in denver , they sell a lot of thread. they have it made with their label. i'd ask to see who's they use
  7. i sold those to jim parent out of wis.
  8. i worked with an old timer the used galvanized nails to rivet with. but you can find alum rivets at https://www.mcmaster.com/rivets
  9. https://www.powersew.com/ if any one
  10. if i were to look here in the states ,i'd try https://www.powersew.com/ ralph's industral sewing denver
  11. compound the foot walks , the dogs move on the plate. and the needle moves forward with the feet
  12. thunter9

    Rein Rounder

    i have a 11 hole c.s.osborne bench mount its what bruce is asking 275 i'll take some pictures the logo is faded and ask 175 depends where you live, wow sweden that will run high what do you got to trade lol this might be a chore we'll see how this pans out
  13. thunter9

    Rein Rounder

    did you ever find one?
  14. do you not want to ship this
  15. how much to ship 50651 ball park i'll take it if shipping isn't to outlandish
  16. are you selling the Vintage Metal Round Nail holder Carousel and if so how much
  17. they make some chicago type screws that are hard to find that use a hex head wrench to tighten. we used them on braces and where rust would play a roll. to get apart.
  18. check with ralph's industrial sewing machine in denver https://www.powersew.com/ they have a wide assortment with their label
  19. thunter9


    i sent some knives off to have them sharpened and polished. i sent them insured . as long as they are in his hands i feel they are responsible. until they make it back here. in my hands . but we live with a bunch of cheats. who will do whatever to make it sound like its my fault. the red flag should be they asked me to send check. i did.
  20. only been around 1 and it didn't last . someone tried to do way to much and it broke down. my 30-70 adler far better ,but just me. you just need to glue the leather be for you try sewing. if your doing patch work with walkins i'd go with the jump stitch . good luck with your new machine.
  21. thunter9

    Glue pot

    if your going to use it every day or most. i stick with the all metal and teflon. if you need to put a way for a time. just pour out to gal. can unscrew the brush and clean the brush out and let dry. after a day or 2 pull remaining glue from the pot. they all have a purpose some are easier to keep clean.
  22. one other type of vac system is one that runs off of air . can't quit remember the name. its starts out cheap but by the time you get all you need it can even cost more. because in the end for that to work you need all the bows and whistles . the compressor and the check valve the control box . where as the gast is a rotary type and they aren't sealed so you can open them up to replace the rotors or just clean them w/acetone drop of oil and put back together
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