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About Dagr

  • Birthday 05/01/1964

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  • Location
    Chatsworth, CA

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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    Anything I don't know
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Member (2/4)

  1. happy birthday

  2. Looks great Anne!! Having seen this in person while in process, I know the actual size and scope of this beast, you've done a wonderful job on it!!
  3. Excellent job all around! Lucky sob that gets this one for sure!
  4. Awesome! And just what is wrong with black? lol
  5. Love the colors, came out really really nice!
  6. Ok, take 2 now that we're back ! Got the trio of wristbands done for all the birthday boys. Figured I should make some extensions for the smaller ones since they are going to grow out of them soon if I didn't. lol
  7. and there ya go! I actually got all mine at my local hangout, leather store, Standing Bear's Trading Post. I have the 01, 03, and 04, and use them all...probably to a fault now...love em!
  8. I think that would look great hanging in my office!!!! LOL Nice work!
  9. Thanks Craftool E294-01
  10. Yep, this is the one I showed you last night. Went home and went back to work on it Skull is natural, just sealed, background is basic red, border is basic black. Light coat of sealer over the red after it was dry, then a heavy coat of the black antique stain over the top...let dry a few minutes then hit the high spots with a damp rag.
  11. Nice work! I do alot of Celtic stuff, and it can be a real pita! Keep it up
  12. Awesome! That pretty much covers it
  13. Drummer friend of mine is having a birthday, so I thought this would be a nice gift. Going to make matching ones for his two sons as well.
  14. Outstanding! That is a beautiful piece of useful art.
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