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Everything posted by Sheilajeanne

  1. Ma was in the kitchen fiddling around when she hollers out, "Pa! You need to go out and fix the outhouse!" Pa replies, "There ain't nuthin wrong with the outhouse." Ma yells back, "Yes there is, now git out there and fix it." So Pa mosies out to the outhouse, looks around and yells back, "Ma! There ain't nuthin wrong with the outhouse!" "Ma replies, "Stick yur head in the hole!" Pa yells back, "I ain't stickin my head in that hole! "Ma says, "Ya have to stick yur head in the hole to see what to fix." So with that, Pa sticks his head in the hole, looks around and yells back, "Ma! There ain't nuthin wrong with this outhouse!" Ma hollers back, "Now take your head out of the hole!" Pa proceeds to pull his head out of the hole, then starts yelling, "Ma! Help! My beard is stuck in the cracks in the toilet seat!" To which Ma replies, "Hurts, don't it?!"
  2. A man goes to his doctor and says Doctor, I think I'm losing my hearing." The Doctor says, "Can you describe the symptoms for me?" The man replies, "Sure. Homer is fat and bald, Marge has tall blue hair..."
  3. Yup, I'll bet! According to him, Trudeau IS the governor of Canada, not the Prime Minister!
  4. Take care, Chuck! I'll bet you're glad you're not in Colorado! Did you get much snow, or just ice?
  5. Gezzer, your parcel still ain't got NOTHING on this one!
  6. LOL. I heard that when people were homeschooling during COVID, some used the package tracking app for geography lessons! And although I'm sure the USPS is worse, Canada ain't anything to brag about, either. When one of my nieces sent a Christmas parcel to her sister in Manitoba, first province west of Ontario, it was first sent to New Brunswick, which is on the east coast..
  7. One thing to be aware of - rabbit fur sheds - a lot! It is not very durable, so using it as a liner may be your best bet.
  8. Prayers for you, and everyone else in its path!
  9. Screengrab of a finished comb: The craftsman started out with a log of wood, which he sawed into sections to make the comb. He then decorated it with pieces of abalone shell and gold paint.
  10. This is why! A very different craft than leatherwork, but equisetly beautiful! https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=3848821205352487
  11. I think you need to be more specific about what sort of harness you are looking for. Are they for horses, dogs or human cosplay or sex play?
  12. c. those blades are wicked sharp, and the risk of bleeding all over your workbench is fairly high! Utility knives are much easier to sharpen, but rotary blades I'd just replace, and I don't use them nearly as often as my utility knife.
  13. This is why I'm so disappointed that the local Tandy's (a 30 minute drive away) closed down recently. There's no substitute for being able to pick a piece of leather in person. Even then, I found when Tandy had their sales, you had to get there early if you wanted a really nice piece!
  14. At first I thought the son was going to be a trainer for the Miami Dolphins football team! But yeah. Navy Seals is even better...
  15. Al Stohlman's first leather stamps were made from nails and scrap metal. Whatever works...just be careful when using saws and other sharp instruments! This hobby has a tendency to make people bleed, and it's very hard to get the blood off the leather!
  16. I also found this for the original saddle: https://www.onesixthwarriors.com/threads/tandy-half-pint-roper-mini-saddle-project-printable-plans-added.797451/ Not a lot of help, since that one is no longer available, but it will give you a good idea of how they've changed it. Clicking on the pictures in the first post will enlarge them so you can read the instructions. And the post says the plans are printable, so if you want to challenge yourself, give it a go! I also found copies of the patterns that were once posted in this thread: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=+mCOWmE/&id=98808249A805BD02CB4CBCD4A759923ED00C9CD3&thid=OIP.-mCOWmE_vV7WtkxVCVAUuwHaHi&mediaurl=https://leatherworker.net/forum/uploads/monthly_2021_07/plans6_zps9f9d3460.jpg.11f4c38d5aa0b8d19a0e19cfac81f031.jpg&q=Tandy miniature saddle&ck=4F80C56E3C923A1456FB2BF6F0E4E925&idpp=rc&idpview=singleimage&form=rc2idp
  17. I got this in an e-mail on August 11th: Yeah, that's TOMORROW! Here's the FB link to register: https://www.facebook.com/events/3808747502738404/?rdid=OUNluB8rUnvrT2Ee&share_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fshare%2FMwfTN48b6AqLCc3q%2F%3Ftrk_msg%3DTLUU2ONB0TOKJCDEOGLPI88ARG%26trk_contact%3D2U3HIDVDH7BLCQAT8OKI076F9K%26trk_sid%3D1BHGM7PMF0P9AS3973I054OMK4%26trk_link%3DFAC6A64PI5E498E1F0SF5TPSES%26utm_source%3Dlistrak%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_term%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fshare%2FMwfTN48b6AqLCc3q%2F%26utm_campaign%3DBack%2Bto%2BThe%2BBasics%2BWith%2BTandy%21 And the link to buy the saddle: Now available online: https://tandyleather.com/.../half-pint-miniature-saddle-kit Edit: not available in Canada, unfortunately. And I think it looks like crap compared to the old miniature saddle. They've really 'dumbed it down'. If you look at the first page of this thread, you'll be able to see the original.
  18. Aventurine, they arrived at the airport SINGING!! So grateful for their help! https://www.facebook.com/reel/512309707974791
  19. Thank you, HS! Even the mayor's childhood home burned. The final figure is 30% of the town was burned. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/wildfire-hit-jasper-mayor-mourns-111427677.html#:~:text=A massive wildfire that destroyed about a third,which had been completely destroyed by the flames
  20. Reports are that 30 to 50% of Jasper has burned. Officials are still working on a burn map. Despite some rain, the fire remains out of control. https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/9.6458777 I can't get the video to post so it will play on this site. For those of you too lazy to click on the link, here's what a good part of the town looks like. This is all that's left of the Anglican church.
  21. And of course, if there's not enough rain in some areas, there's too much in others. Hurricane Beryl dumped over 3 inches of rain on my part of the province last week while Toronto experienced a record-breaking downpour which flooded the Don Valley Parkway, Union Station, and numerous other spots. I thought the new waterfall feature in Union Station was kind of pretty... https://x.com/rapporturd/status/1813245364515778581?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1813245364515778581|twgr^973a634b573dd49503b02a941580036a414efa9b|twcon^s1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fca.news.yahoo.com%2Fan-indoor-waterfall-at-union-station-downtown-toronto-flooded-as-severe-storm-disrupts-life-in-the-region-205340898.html There was another big dump of rain today, which cause more flooding. https://www.timescolonist.com/weather-news/sections-of-dvp-lakeshore-briefly-flooded-again-after-toronto-rainfall-9263169
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