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Everything posted by Kustom

  1. Hello, Where can I find some parifin/beeswax blended cakes to buy? I don't feel up to making my own right now. Thanks.
  2. Thanks guys. I'm not really having any problems, I just to know if I could be doing something better.
  3. Luke, I'm using 138 to sew two pieces of 4/5 veg tan.
  4. I have a walking foot flatbed sewing machine, and use bonded nylon thread. Should I be spraying the spool with some sort of silicone? Thanks, Steve
  5. After I saddle stamp a piece of leather should I wait for it to completely dry, or can I put the neetsfoot on while it's still cased? Thanks, Steve
  6. I have been buffing the dye "flux" off by hand. I was wondering if there is an easier way to do it. Does anyone use a buffing wheel? I was thinking of maybe getting and orbital sander and putting a old t-shirt over the head. Something like this. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=92623 What's your set up to do this? Thanks, Steve
  7. Thanks Kate. I will try and get some of them. Steve, Sounds good. I'll send you a pm. Steve
  8. Looks great! Really good use of color.
  9. Gary, I usually pay around $5 per tool plus $5 for shipping for made in the usa craftools. Let me know if you have them. Thanks, Steve
  10. Hello, I'm looking for some vintage made in the USA craftools and I'm hoping someone here has some to sell they're not using. I'm looking for G542 (geometric X shape), G536 (another geometric X sort of shape) and B962 (triangle beveler with lines) Thanks in advance, Steve
  11. You're welcome everyone. I knew you'd enjoy it as much as I did.
  12. Ray is so right here. What you're going for is is what we in marketing call "mindshare" http://en.wikipedia....wiki/Mind_share John on your site you should have a section called "John Barton innovations" that talks about things you created. If I was in the "pool cue game" I wood write a big glossy coffee table book with lots of great pictures, called something like "Art of the cue case". In the book I would take credit for my innovations and dole out credit to people that deserve it and exclude the copycat "hacks". I would have it published or self publish it. Then go on a book tour. Building a legend is hard work. Study up on "Nudie the rodeo tailor"and "Edward Bohlin, silver saddle maker." to see what I'm talking about. If you want to get credit for something you have to take credit for it.No one is going to give it to you. Good luck, Steve
  13. Enjoy the greatness that is Al Shelton. This was on the local channel 9 news last night. http://cbs2.com/video/?id=119223@kcbs.dayport.com
  14. Hola Darklady. Welcome to the board. Do you speak English? I have been working on my Spanish, but it's not that good yet.
  15. Kustom

    Tacsew T111-155

    I pretty much have the same machine but with a speed reducer and a servo motor. I would say if you don't want to do them both together, get a servo motor first. You can slow it to creeping by pushing a button.
  16. Cool Machine. Is it a needle and awl machine?
  17. Thanks Frank. How do you apply the neets foot? When ever I use a dauber I can't get it on even. Steve
  18. Do you condition your leather before your seal it when you use fiebings professional oil dye? They say there's oil in the dye, I wonder if it's good enough to use alone. Thanks, Steve
  19. Does Campbell - Randall have a burnishing machine set up you sell?
  20. I saw this variable speed mini grinder on Harbor Freight's website http://www.harborfre...temnumber=43533 I was wondering if it would make an okay burnisher if I had a wood burnishing wheel made for it. Also if I got a small bench top drill press could I lay it down on it's back or side to use as a horizontal burnisher. Your feedback please. Thanks, Steve
  21. Thanks for the info. That's exactly how I will do it then. The Skidmore's I have says that it will built up waterproofing with repeat applications. I guess I didn't repeat it enough. Steve
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