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Everything posted by Kustom

  1. If you know how to use photoshop you can make a rectangle print it out on a piece of paper, then glue it to a sheet of plastic.
  2. Ron's tools are the best. http://www.ronstools.com/
  3. Make sure your pictures have a white background. Treasury makers want white backgrounds, and you want to be included in treasuries. Etsy labs have tons of great advice.
  4. Start by making a nice "about" page. That matters to etsy shoppers. They want to know who they're buying from. Work on making more items and take better pictures.
  5. How many hours a day will you have the same person using the press? I can click for four hours straight on an old Atom 25 ton, then I'm wiped out and have to take a nap. If you're going to have the same person clicking eight hours a day get the assist.
  6. You can use one of these ticklers http://www.csosborne.com/NO12.HTM or an adjustable creaser http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/en-usd/home/8072-00.aspx or a fixed size creaser http://www.csosborne.com/NO21.HTM
  7. Thanks for the vote of confidence Ronnie! I notice he's laying the stitch in a crease, which for me makes it a bit easier.
  8. I talked to Tony Luberto and his new and improved cub is going to be for sale soon. The guy I bought my classic from had the older version of the cub as well. I test drove it and have to say it kicks the Tippman's ass.
  9. Agreed! These edgers changed my life.
  10. That came out nice. Can you make your own designs with a Cuttlebug?
  11. It usually takes three weeks for mine to show up. What kind of leather did you order?
  12. Very nice! I bet it helps stop feedback with hollow bodies.
  13. Waiting on the new season of Hell on Wheels!

    1. Luke Hatley

      Luke Hatley

      Me also....and Justified.

  14. If you don't own the trademark you're setting yourself up for problems. Does the other business have it trademarked? If so you could be violating their trademark.
  15. I received guide #1 (three corner guide) in the mail yesterday. The round little nub side does exactly what I need it to do, and the guide came with thumb screws. It took literally took two minutes to attach and adjust to where it was working like I wanted. I drew a line around it with a sharpie so if i want to take it off and put it back on.
  16. Kustom


    If you're talking about the Studio Tac Creative books, that's what they cost. I had the Japanese bookstore in Little Tokyo order one for me and it was sixty something bucks.
  17. I ordered #1. It costs $5.50. I should get it on Friday. I just wanted something cheap that I didn't have to drill any holes in my Cobra 17 for. Ferg, What machine is your guide on? Did you have to drill holes?
  18. Thanks for your feedback. I'll order one.
  19. I want to get a edge guide for my Cobra 17 flat bed and I'm thinking about trying one of these. I know all of them would work on straight sections, but I'm wondering about going around corners. Have you used any of these guides? If so how did they work for you? Thanks, Steve Guide 1 Guide 2 Guide 3
  20. I like it because it's compound feed cylinder arm machine that sews the right thickness of leather for bags, wallets and belts. There are lots of clones of the 277 around, having said that for all I know the 277 is a knock off of something else.
  21. I would get a Consew 277 style machine with a flat bed attachment. In fact that's going to be my next machine.
  22. Non the the less, they do sell them. I've seen them there. Best thing is to call them, then go see what they have in person. They sell new and used machinery.
  23. Hi Julie, Welcome to the board. I'm in So Cal as well. Cobra sells skivers and is located in Ontario CA: http://www.leathermachineco.com/catalog.php?item=27 Melinie Machine sells skivers as well as a bunch of other leather working machinery, and is located in Vernon: http://www.melaniemachine.com/ Both are excellent to do business with. Good luck, Steve
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