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    Helsinki, Finland

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  1. Small update, after a lot of research I finally settled on what I know, Mobil Velocite, ie. a light spindle oil that's used in lathes and other metalworking machinery. Mobil Velocite No. 10 is ISO VG 22, which is what Pfaff ordered for the 335 I have, as for my mothers Bernina machines, No 6 (ISO VG 10) seems to be what Bernina themselves sell in their little oilers, but I couldn't get them to confirm it. https://www.mobil.com/en-us/industrial/pds/gl-xx-mobil-velocite-oil-no-series These are lightly coloured (compared to the saffron bright yellow stuff my machine is full of from the previous owner), have excellent corrosion and emulsion inhibitors, so it should keep the insides free of rust, and knowing what it's used for in the metal industry, I'd say it's more than good enough for my Pfaff. Another benefit is that No. 10 is excellent for inline oilers in air systems, so it has it's other uses around the shop.
  2. Cheers mate, I sent College Sewing a message asking for recommendations! I'd prefer spending a bit extra upfront instead of going for the BangGood/Aliexpress specials if it's from somewhere that can actually tell me how to fit the thing if I run into problems.
  3. I'm thinking about replacing my Efka Variostop VD24 with a DC brushless motor, since the Variostop is a bit hard to control at slow speeds, and for the work I do I'd rather have a slow and controllable machine than a very fast sewing machine. I've been looking around, and there's a lot of different options of the China variety, but a lot of them doesn't come with EPS as default (something I'm not giving up without a fight), and some people on Youtube don't recommend them on "heavy duty" machines for whatever reason. So, what should I consider? I'm not adverse to spending a couple hundred euros, but any more then that would be a bit excessive considering what I have in to the machine. It would preferably be something I can get without paying an arm and a leg for shipping & taxes, so preferably from a European vendor.
  4. Cheers mate, you wouldn't happen to have the manual for the controller as well? I'm trying to figure out what a particular switch does.
  5. I've been checking the oil level in the cups/oiling points every time I fire it up, and they are slowly dropping (aka not plugged) but the stuff the PO put in there has been lasting quite some time (extremely tacky stuff). I'll probably take the head of the machine and rinse it out good and proper with a mild solvent and reoil it when I get some proper oil.
  6. So, after owning my '76 Pfaff 335 H3 for a couple of years (very light use) the former owners oiling job is finally starting to wear of and I might have to start oiling it again. The guy I bought it from was an 80-ish year old sewing machine repairman turned textile manufacturer that was closing up shop and getting rid of all his machines. He slathered the whole machine in this deep yellow sticky oil, that it to this day leaks of after standing a while (I have to keep a piece of cloth under the presser foot to soak up the oil in between uses). So, now I'm researching what oil I need, and this is turning into quite the rabbit hole This here thread seems to recommend a ISO VG 15 oil https://sewing.patternreview.com/SewingDiscussions/topic/103874 which to me seem a bit thin (I'm a mechanical engineer so ISO VG oils are quite familiar). In the same thread they link to this oil http://www.gulfstarlubricants.com/sewing-machine-oil/ which is even thinner (ISO VG 10). The consensus on here on the other hand seems to be for ISO VG 22, which Mobile also sells https://www.mobil.com/english-cn/industrial/pds/apxxmobil-velocite-sm-series Pfaff's manuals aren't that helpful, as they only recommend Pfaff sewing machine oil No. 280-1-120 122, which I've not managed to find out what it is. The newer manuals for the 335 spec "Only use oil with a viscosity of 22.0 mm^2/s at 40 C and a density of 0,865 g/cm^2. Pfaff recommends Pfaff sewing machine oil, part no. 280-1-120 144", which to me sounds like ISO VG 22 if I remember the specs for ISO VG oils correctly. Personally, I'd have use for a ISO VG 22 oil elsewhere in the shop, but I thought I'd get your guys opinion on the matter first. On a side note, my mother is threatening to outsource the oiling of her home Bernina machine and Bernina Serger machine to me, any recommendations of oil for those as well?
  7. Quick question, should the bobbin rotate CW or CCW when installed in the bobbin case (looking at it from the "inside")?
  8. If you need CAD then Autodesk Fusion 360 is free for enthusiasts and startups with less than 100k USD in annual turnover. It's 3D oriented, but you can do 2D designs fairly easily. There's a lot of tutorials online for it as well, and it has a really nice feature that allows you to insert images for tracing.
  9. Now I feel like something of an idiot, if you inspect the plate on the motor you'll find a line at the bottom that says "Nählicht 12V 20W", which translates to "Sewing light 12V 20W". So I guess I'll just order the right bulb and be on my way...
  10. And if someone has a manual for that VD24 motor I'd be very thankful!
  11. Wera makes nice screwdrivers, and with the most common from Wera and an assortment of older random brand stubby ones I usually get by. Flat blade screwdrivers are a bit odd in that regard that you need a lot more of them than the Phillips and Pozidrive ones. If you want to get really picky, you should pick up a bits set for gunsmithing, they usually have a huge array of different width and thickness of flathead bits. Never used this one on a sewing machine, but it has saved me from tearing down hours of work to get to a single screw so many times when working on equipment in datacenters; it's a small ratchet bit driver that fits in the palm of your hand. https://www.amazon.co.uk/d/4bo/innovative-profile-squat-stubby-ratcheting-screwdriver-engineer/B002L6HJ82/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1494054383&sr=8-2&keywords=ratchet+palm+bits
  12. Hi everybody! A year ago I aquired a Pfaff walking foot machine (335-H3-39/21-BSN to be exact) with a Variostop VD24. Now I managed to find the correct lamp for this machine with a separate arm. The lamp is outfitted with a small plug and a 230VAC 15W lamp, and when I went to install it on my machine I found out that the Variostop motor has a connection for a lamp already! But when I measured the contacts on the motor it gave out only 15VAC? So my question is, are these old (1976 is the vintage of my machine) machines usually fitted with 12VAC bulbs? The bulb is some odd bayonet bulb. Best regards, Sebastian
  13. That's the problem, I have the parts book for the new models, not the old ones, and they seem to have changed the design of the bar to a 2 piece version.
  14. Here's some pictures as well! http://imgur.com/a/um4B3
  15. Oh, BTW, the exact model number is 335-H3-39/21-BSN. I've managed to decipher the H3 (11mm lift) and B (medium-heavy materials), but what does 39/21, S and N mean?
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