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RMB Custom Leather

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Everything posted by RMB Custom Leather

  1. We just added another gun mold manufacturer DIY Drone Molds. These molds have the sight channel, blocked in ports, blocked in trigger housing, and other material added to aid in holster making. They are very impressive as far as detail and they have staggered pricing ranging from $39.99 - $47.99 FREE SHIPPING depending on the mold. They also are molding double magazines, they are the only mold maker that is doing this as of now. The double magazines are nice because they aid in making double magazine pouches. No more having to figure out the right spacing for double magazine pouches not to mention no more shifting while molding. The price is right $42.99 FREE SHIPPING for double mags.
  2. Modad2010, I have passed the feedback on to him to utilize. They have been pretty busy due to new models coming out so not sure if he has time yet to look into it but it was passed to him.
  3. Below are some new models we just added to our site. Some of these are not being molded by anyone else so could be of great interest to some. Multi Molds S&W M&P 4.25" 9/40 with X300 and built in channels S&W M&P 4.25" 9/40 with TLR1 and built in channels H&K VP9 Ruger P89 Walther PPQ 5" Sig 228/229 no rail XD 9/40 magazine mold XD 45 magazine mold Multi Molds Butterfly Molds (Vacuum Pressing) Glock 17/22 Glock 19/23 Glock 20/21 Glock 42 M&P Shield 9/40 M&P 4.25" 9/40. We are also in the process of molding up the: (SHIPPING IN 1 WEEK) Kahr CT45 Sig 320 Compact
  4. Thank everyone for sending your feedback so far. I have passed a lot of your feedback to Tony at Multi Molds already.
  5. I think most like myself would like to keep the sight channel but have the ejection port and the material in front of the trigger open like the Blueguns. The reason is to achieve retention when using leather mainly due to how pliable the leather is. I am sure there are several ways to achieve more retention with leather without what I just mentioned but that is my 2 cents on it.
  6. Red Cent, Good question yes we have added them as a mold manufacturer. At present they have two models a "Standard" which is $59.95 plus shipping and what we stock which is the "Pro Series" which is $67.95 plus shipping here is the link for the Pros Series on their site http://shop.multimoldguns.com/Multi-Mold-Weapons-Pro-Series-MMWP.htm?categoryId=1 . They have announced that they are going to reorganize some things so the pricing may change but as of the time of the post that is their pricing posted on their site. A short explanation on the difference between "Standard" and "Pro Series" is that the Pro Series is much stronger material. Our pricing is $66.99 Free Shipping but offer the bulk discount which drops the price to as much as $60.29 Free Shipping if you get 8 +. We only stock the Pro Series. Since you don't do the detailed molding it may not really matter to much to you as far as the feedback the posting is asking for but any feedback is good. Red Cent, on 12 Jul 2014 - 3:41 PM, said:
  7. I spoke to Tony the owner of Multi Molds and he mentioned that his molds could be used for leather holsters also. As you may already know the molds are made with some extra material that is needed when pressing holsters out of kydex but not really needed when using them for leather holsters. Tony is very receptive to change so if he can offer a product that could be used by leatherworkers more then he plans to look into it. I am not a firearm expert so if I used the incorrect terminology, please forgive me. The material Multi Molds have that most other molds don't are: (Below are some pictures of a multi mold versus a Blueguns.) Sight Channel: This is a piece of material that runs from the back sight to the front site that insures that a channel is made in the material so the front sight can travel from the bottom of the holster to the top freely when removing the gun. Trigger Housing Blocked Out: This is the area where the trigger is located, it needs to be filled in so when molding with kydex it doesn't form around the trigger creating a safety issue when trying to remove/insert the gun. Ejection Port Blocked Out: This is the part on the slide that the spent rounds eject from after a round is fired. During pressing a holster out of kydex if this area isn't blocked out the material forms to the indention creating a hang up when trying to remove the gun from the holster. What would you want removed from the multi mold in order to use them for leather holster making? What would you want to keep on the multi mold to be used for leather holster making? Please comment and I will forward them to Tony so he can look into possible changes in the future. Multi Mold Bluegun
  8. Multi Mold Pro Series IN STOCK - BULK DISCOUNTS! I received my first shipment of Multi Molds Pro Series in today and added them to the store. You can go here to check them out http://www.bluegunstore.com/proseries.aspx Here is the bulk discount break down for the MM Pro's 1 - 3 Guns = $ 66.99 Free Shipping 4 - 7 Guns = $63.64 Free Shipping 8 + Guns = $60.29 Free Shipping Contact me if you are looking for a gun we don't have in stock yet. Molds molded by Multi Molds that are not molded by BLUEGUNS at this time. Multi Mold Pro Series - Boberg XR9S Multi Mold Pro Series - Chiappa Rhino 2" Multi Mold Pro Series - Chiappa Rhino 4" Multi Mold Pro Series - Colt Pocketlite Multi Mold Pro Series - Diamondback 9 mm Multi Mold Pro Series - Kahr CM9 Multi Mold Pro Series - Keltec PMR Multi Mold Pro Series - SCCY 9 mm w/Safety Multi Mold Pro Series - Seecamp 32 Cal Multi Mold Pro Series - Smith & Wesson 442 / 642 Revolver Multi Mold Pro Series - Smith & Wesson Governor Revolver
  9. Interesting not sure whats up with that but if you go to the site it is under the K-Series Category. www.bluegunstore.com
  10. I just got in some of the new Blue Guns K-Series holster molds so I am posting some better pictures.
  11. Here is an option or make your own below http://www.hdindustrialdesign.com/products/the-hd-press-100 Here is the way to go, I really need to make one myself. I think this guy just sells the rubber membrane and gives you the plans to make the rest. . Here is the website to buy the membrane and get the plans. You tube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsEPSrkzHW0
  12. Can you post a picture of the back of the frame? I always wondered how to do the back so they will stand or can be hung.
  13. We are adding another gun mold manufacturer to our line of items; Multi Molds. Multi Molds are unique because they are made with the holster maker in mind. They have the sight channel, blocked out trigger housing, and blocked out ejection port. Below are the models they mold, many of them Blueguns doesn't which are of interest because no one else molds these.
  14. We have been experiencing very quick shipping times for over a month or so and have reduced our ESTIMATED shipping times on items we DO NOT have on hand. For example: Blue; UN-weighted versions have the below ETA's. In-stock: Estimated 2-3 business days shipping time. Out of stock: Estimated 7-10 business days shipping time. Check the site for California and international shipping times. As always it depends on the options you choose at the individual product page. ALL TIMES ARE ESTIMATED OFF OF THE MANUFACTURER’S PRODUCTION. If you're not sure of what your ETA will be you can watch this video that explains the site and how to obtain an ETA before ordering. Video More new models coming!
  15. Not sure if this helps you guys out or not but all our guns are ordered without the top coating unless of course they slip one in on us that has it. Despite whoever you get your Blueguns from they should be able to order them without top coating we just go ahead and do that for our customers unless they request otherwise. They also started molding the"pre prepped" molds that has the blocked out trigger housing and site channel. They only offer the Glock 17 at this time but others are soon to follow. You can take a look here K-Series Guns . FREE SHIPPING
  16. NEW ITEMS ADDED The New Glock 17 for Kydex Manufacturing. Item number FSG17K. http://bluegunstore.com/GLOCK17/22/31K.aspx SMITH & WESSON M&P BODYGUARD 380 IS NOW AVAILABLE. THE NEW BODYGUARD WITHOUT LASER ITEM NUMBER IS FSBG380MP http://bluegunstore.com/SandWBODYGUARD.380WITHOUTLASER.aspx BERETTA 92F COMPACT NOW AVAILABLE! ITEM NUMBER FSB92FC http://bluegunstore.com/BERETTA92F-1.aspx
  17. We have several different styles of clips going from the more common like Tandy's has to the unique like JLS pointed out. Here is a link to all of them, you can click on each one to get bulk pricing based on Qty. http://bluegunstore.com/holsterclips.aspx JLS thanks for the mention!
  18. If you are needing them to ship items in I would recommend using poly mailer bags they are very strong and can't be torn like paper ones. I would google "poly mailer bags" and see what kinda deal you can get I have had good luck catching a good deal on ebay. Uline is a little high I have bought from them before.
  19. Steve the 1st one sold online is still running like new.
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