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Everything posted by jeeperaz

  1. Pics?
  2. Are you talking about the belts for the roller feed?
  3. I really like that bag... a lot. What type of leather was used?
  4. http://springfieldleather.com/store/ once you get there, search box on the right side... just type in copper and hit the enter key.
  5. Much of the cordwaining related tools Edwin Hale is selling is newer stock that he just drop ships direct from Woodware. I wonder if those of you in Europe wouldn't get a better price by going direct to the manufacturer.
  6. Right in your backyard... http://www.goetz-service.com/web/index.php You may have to register for an account to view their catalog but it's free & easy to do. Also, request one of their printed catalogs. Barnsley is also known as Woodware Repetitions. I'm not sure if they have a website. If I lived in your area I would be looking at Ebay for older hand tools. You have access to a treasure trove compared to those of us in the US.
  7. get yourself a tax id and then shop at weaver leather. You will laugh at tandy prices (and quality) from this point on.
  8. Just to confirm the other's suggestions. I just bought some last week at our local grocer next to canning items. Gulf Wax was the brand and it was something like $3-$4
  9. I thought I recognized your name. You don't know me... but I'll never forget you.

    I would say at least 8 years ago... if not more, I came across your website when looking for a cattle dog. Your survival story left haunting images in my head that still to this day are vivid. An amazing story!

    Welcome to leatherworker.net... from your fellow Zonie.


  10. A few: http://www.charleshardtke.com GH Leather in Texas. 713.670.9800 (no website) Garlin Neumann Leather 603.595.6319 (again, no website) edit, I just saw you are in Canada. Have you tried: http://www.warkov.com/catalog/index.php
  11. I think he had one too many http's in the links. Try these: http://www.bladeforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=578787 & http://www.grizzly.com/products/8-Razor-Sharp-System/G5937 & http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=40668 Or just google 'razor sharp system' for all the info you want on the paper wheels. I purchased them a year or two ago and gave up on them after coming close to ruining an expensive knife. I think I'll dust off the outfit and give it another try soon. Plenty of highly respected people use and swear by this system.
  12. I bought mine from http://stores.ebay.com/SHARP-SEWING-SUPPLIES It was something like $15 They might not have them listed. Try emailing them or any of the other large industrial suppliers.
  13. Very sharp looking! How does the horsehide come to you... is it fairly dry or are there any noticeable waxes/oils stuffed into it? (hope that question makes sense)
  14. Regarding question #3... I had a similar question a few weeks ago. See it here: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=21905 You will see someone's example of what a larger size punch would look like on a smaller strap.
  15. I use size 19 and 20 with that combo of thread.
  16. Art, Thanks. I have seen those but I need rivets in the 'silver' color range.
  17. I have many years of education & research on the prehistory of the America's but unfortunately only as it pertains to southwest US and Mesoamerican cultures. I know absolutely nothing about the area of your interests. Good luck... sorry I couldnt help.
  18. After searching and browsing a half dozen or more pages on tubular rivets, I'm just as confused as I was to begin with. I gather they can be used by themselves or with caps and even washers. Can someone tell me how to use & set them in each configuration? Pictures of end results? Also, I'd like opinions on how strong they are. How important is it to choose the right length for the thickness of leather... can they be shortened before riveting if needed? My wife has shown some interest in making dog collars for family member's pets. I don't trust rapid or jiffy rivets. She needs colors other than copper or else I would show her how to use rivets/burrs. There is always chicago screws but I'd like to know more about tubular rivets first. Any thoughts, comments or ideas are appreciated.
  19. My kind of topic. Can you be more specific... narrow it down to certain cultures or regions?
  20. See if you can contact/email Tim Skyrme who runs that website I posted earlier. He authored a book on shoemaking (he's in AUS) and he might know of a place or.... if you get really lucky he might be willing to teach you. Also, the link to HCC someone posted above is incorrect. Try this: http://www.thehcc.or...scus/discus.cgi You will not find a better resource than that website. It's not the easiest to navigate but the people there and the info shared is much like this place... friendly and full of help. You should join and ask if anyone knows of learning options in AUS.
  21. Caroline, Here is a start: http://www.shoemakingbook.com/Shoemaking%20Schools.html (hopefully the link works).
  22. Nice looking boots. How many rows of stitching on the uppers of the last two pair?
  23. Can anyone help with the question I posted earlier in this thread... "Do vendors typically offer better prices at the shows than their normal phone or internet sales?" I live about an hour away from Wickenburg but even so, the dates of this show make it very hard for me to go. If I know the 'hand tool' prices are not discounted below what they always are then I'm not going worry about trying to make it there. Anyone?
  24. Just curious if you will bring any post bed machines with you? I'd like to see one (but am not ready to puchase right now).
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