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Everything posted by Engine1

  1. Looking for centerbar roller buckle in black 1 1/2 wide like the one I have pictured
  2. Where did you get your dapping taps
  3. does anyone have a portable work bench they use... if so can you show some pictures and measurements
  4. What is your web sight link
  5. I'm planning on adding some kids belts to my inventory oh wide are most of them and what lengths
  6. I do mostly strap work like belts and such... latigo is my go to for most of my projects. Latigo is strong and flexible... I don't do much bag work at this time but I feel that it would make if a nice rugged bag
  7. What size are edger in inches compared to numbers... for example I'm trying to get a weaver master tool edger to replace my #2 edger but they sale by size in 1/32 of an inch increments
  8. I found that if you do get paint in the grove on a black leather you can dab a bit of black paint on it and it is not noticeable... that radio case looks nicer than mine and I've made a crowd of them
  9. Hello everyone, I'm planning on setting up a a both at an event in about a month selling belts and key chains. I have not sold at an event yet I was curious if any of you have and how many belts and of what sizes you would suggest taking.
  10. Hello, my home based leather shop has grown tremendously this year. While it has been nice I've found my self short on place to put everything and unable to keep everything organized I was curious as to how some of you with limited shop space keep your shops clean and organized
  11. Engine1

    Cowboy 227r

    How much are you asking for it
  12. Any one got experience making biker boot straps I had a request from a friend and not sure where to start with measuring
  13. Im looking for someone to make a brass buckle of my fire depaetments patch any suggestions
  14. Hey I make radio cases for firefighter I currently use copper rivets and Chicago screw I rather use strictly copper rivets but I'm not sure how to set them when I can't lay one side down on a flat surface
  15. Hey I make radio cases for firefighter I currently use copper rivets and Chicago screw I rather use strictly copper rivets but I'm not sure how to set them when I can't lay one side down on a flat surface
  16. Where do you stand on the business. I was contacted recently by a gunshop that need a lot of work. I also live in NC but holsters are not my main market. I work for a fire department full time and on the side do leather strap work mainly for firefighter. I am wanting to expand and may be interested in your business.
  17. Thanks do you have a recommendation on suppliers
  18. Hey, I wanted to take a minute to sare some helpful advice and help built my connections. I recently started working on building connections to both customers and other leatherworkers through socal media I use Facebook and Instagram. Almost instantly my quality of work and my product demand increased drasticly. I found that Facebook better connected me to customers and Instagram connected me to numerous other leather works, suppliers and others proficcinals that I could learn from and bounce ideals off of. you can follow me on Facebook at engine1leatherwork or on Instagram @engine1leatherwork
  19. thanks I might give this a try
  20. I'm looking for ideas on methods and techniques on painting and outlining 3-D Letter stamps
  21. Does any one know were I can find postmaster slide buckle 3/4 inch and/or 5/8 inch
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