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Everything posted by Monticore

  1. i coudln't find it at siegels would one of you have a link to the cabretta goat.
  2. i am new to leather and buying leather sight unseen sucks and with the nearest tandy 4 hours away online is the only way. i am looking for a thin leather to line the underside of watch bands, so soft, dyable is a bonus would anybody have any suggestions available from tandy, pig/calf what ever . cory
  3. i have been using a variety or method found on this forum but i still can't get a smooth finish , i always get some smooth parts and other parts with little holes that did not seem to be filled with wax/gum and when i rub more the fibres stand up . if i use gum should i not use wax or water at all or do i still water with canvas, also my problem is the leather i have using to make my watch straps is soft so when i burnish holding it in my hand it creasing the op side a bit. so after i am done working with the leather, sewing, burnishing, etc.. it is full or creases and fold marks.
  4. does anybody have a supplier for exotic , scraps or pieces in canada?
  5. since lci doesn't sell to small timers like me and weaver only sells their similar product(from i have read its similar) only to registered businesses is there somewhere else i could find a similar edge paint.? i really like the fact it comes in different colors i assume like me most people like using leather colors other than brown or black.
  6. i am in process of starting a small business mostly as a hobby and for taxes but i am not registered business at the moment so cannot buy from weaver's has anybody used their edge paint? and how does it compare to edge kote.
  7. thanks for all the tips , i am getting the hang of it , i will try my rotary cutter i did not like it for some of my other stuff so forogot about it.
  8. http://www.leathercoatings.com/edge.htm has anybody ever used their products or know how and where to get them.
  9. i made sure to use a new blade in my utility knife, i think the problem is it was folded over making near 6-7mm thick so if i use too much pressure it compresses the leahter and if i don;t use enough(with my metal ruler) it slides/pulls, i might be cutting to slow i will try some bees wax on the blade and faster cut so it doesn't grab. if i cut it to size before folding/gluing it is so soft i will have a hard time aligning the edges.
  10. I just got soft super soft 6-7oz bison but i am having a hard time making precise cuts due to the leather thickness and suppleness it tends to stretch/pulls/roll is there a trick to handling this type of leather. would sticking it into the freezer help ? thanks again cory
  11. great , i am using tandy's contact cement , i may have to try barge if this one doesn;t work out.
  12. i am trying to make some stitchless watch straps using contact cement as adhesive but i was wondering if there was way to use some sort of internal stitching or other fixation, because i don;t know how well the cement would hold over time, especially the buckle piece which has a skived joint on the underside. any suggestions
  13. hi i was wondering if anybody knows what this guy probably used on his edges looks like acrylic pain but i was wondering how he would keep it from chipping is there a sealer for acrylic paints that would work? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v622/sha.../100_7964-1.jpg
  14. a few more straps i made they are pretty plane , but wonder if anybody would have some tips on making the finishing better. also i am looking for a good spot to get leather in ontario / canada hopefully by the piece and not full sides, pm with ifno please.
  15. for some reason when i use denim/rag/t-shirt/canvas i never get a smooth finish , am i not working hard enough or putting too much pressure? my process(been working with leather about 2 months. 1-sand edges square with drill mounted 80 sanding bit , then wet and sand with 400-600 grit 2-apply gum let dry 10 minutes then slick with plastic bone folder. tandys slicker is too small for the thickness i am using. 3-either dye with edge kote, or leave natural 4- once kote is dry or if natural i then apply beeswax and go at it with the bone folder till it heats the kote up nice and sticky. i tend to repeat the process a second time. 5- then i burnish with my finger seems to get a lot of heat going and a smoother finish. i am waiting on some antlers to try, but otherise how does it sound ?
  16. in general i sew the pieces once glues but not always some straps look better without stiches , the contac cement has been working ok so far but its a pain to use , i may try the tandy leatherweld having a bottle to dispeense the glues seems less messy than the brushes.
  17. I was wondering which glue/cement would be best for watch straps, i have been using lock tite contact cement but i wonder if the leather specific stuff odes better. maybe a few recommendations i could get from a hardware store , if not something tandy carries, if from tandy i would need to get it shipped so something i could get localy would be preferred.
  18. Hello, I am new to leather working and new to the forums , i started making watch straps maybe 3 weeks ago i really enjoy it but i think i can make them better. I used a lot of tips found on this forums regarding burnishing/edging but i am still not sure if i have it as best as i could , i am also not sure if the leather i am using makes it harder to get that store bought look. please take a look and comment , good or bad i am just trying to get better. i is welcome some suggestions on different styles of stitching or where i can find leather. thank you for your time Monti
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