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  • Location
    Harrogate, UK
  • Interests
    Making small leather goods, reading, gardening

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Small leather goods
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Google search

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  1. These are totally awesome! What a fantastic first project!
  2. Hi RockyAussie, I don't use any sewing machine, I do handstitching.
  3. Thank you very much Grumpymann and Tugadude for your suggestions, I will have another try!
  4. Hi, I am trying to make a zip around wallet. I have figured out putting in the zip using a wooden mold, but I don't know how to do the edge stitching around the zip, so that I catch in both the outer leather case and the internal pieces and get it to look neat. In the photos you can see I have done the white stitching on the blue outer case (this is a practice piece) but I can't get the stitches to catch the inside pieces. Grateful for any ideas.
  5. These are beautiful, so professional.
  6. Hi, I've only just seen this post, I thought it hadn't uploaded. The keyring is attached by a nickel rivet on the back of the case. Thank you for all your comments, really appreciate them!
  7. Hi everyone, I have been browsing this forum for a while now, so thought I would post photos of these wallets and other stuff I have made. I have been doing leatherwork for about a year now and hope to get better at it. There is so much to learn, so thanks for all the posts I read here, I see some amazing work.
  8. Hi everyone, I have been browsing this forum for a while now, so thought I would post photos of these wallets and other stuff I have made. I have been doing leatherwork for about a year now and hope to get better at it. There is so much to learn, so thanks for all the posts I read here, I see some amazing work.
  9. Oh, wow, your work is just fantastic! I am so envious!
  10. Hi Tom, thanks for your reply, I will look at getting a deadblow hammer. I love leatherwork but at the moment I am still at the experimental stage, trying to see what works and what doesn't. Trouble is, I am spending a fortune on my hobby as I always seem to need 'just one more thing!'
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