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Everything posted by GunnyStewart

  1. I was wondering if anybody here from the San Francisco area has any recommendations for craft fairs or trade shows in the area. I'm not looking for fetish or that kind of fair, just places where leather art is displayed, sold, etc.
  2. Thanks @x101airborne I wish I had a little more patience and would have taken the rest of the pictures, but hopefully this will help someone.
  3. @Jetdoctorbox Thanks. I started out just making one for a display and they kinda took off. Good Luck.
  4. Just curious if anyone has any information on the reverse option they did for a few years. I missed the boat on sending my machine in to get the change done and have regretted it ever since. Schematics with sizes would be nice so I can make my own parts as there are no more parts to be had from what I've been told.
  5. Very nice. Are you hand sewing for a specific reason? What size (MM) is your pricking iron and thread?
  6. Nice design and execution.
  7. I can't see how the dust made would be worth it. My shop is small and that crap would be in everything. I also would agree that doing it with wet leather would pull the leather. Having said that, people are always looking for something new and different, so maybe you're onto something.
  8. Thanks @Fire88 If you're ever up in Northeastern Ohio, there used to be an Amish harness maker named Eli Miller that helped work on my family's saddles after I joined the Corps and wasn't around to fix things. Gunny
  9. At this point, I was tired of messing with photo resizing. The next steps were to clean up the edges and coat them. The only thing left to do is sew it. Instead of using my old Singer 29, I'm going to hand sew them on Monday. I posted them on my Instagram to let my followers choose the colour thread to sew it. If you want to vote, check me out at gunnystewart if you want to vote.
  10. Before and after glueing the lining.
  11. Padding on the buckle strap and after lining and trimming.
  12. Here the lining is glued together. I used Barge cement, but in talking with a couple of other makers, they use water based glue stating that the glue is only used to hold things in place until the stitching is done. Barge may be overkill, but I'm a fan.
  13. I again used the template to mark out the lining leather. This is a 2/3 oz veg tan. I have calf on order and will switch to that when it comes in. I also skive the top of the lining leather so when it is glued down near the pin it is not bulky.
  14. After skiving the end of the strap, I glued the "padding" in along the centerline.
  15. @motocouture That's a great idea. I guess I'll try using the iPad. Really got sick of trying to take the pics and mess with the sizing. I finished everything except the stitching. I just haven't gotten back to resizing the pics yet.
  16. As you can see here, I have the perfect size keeper from the scrap piece on the left, I just need to cut it to length.
  17. Here I've used two templates to choose the portion of the hide I want to use. Notice on the templates, I've marked where the bends will be. You have to line up those marks with the scales on the opposite side in order to so that the folds are nice and thin, not bulky. Then flip the hides over and mark them. In the second picture, I have the original rubber strap on the right and the old alligator strap I made on the left. I've marked the center line and also decided on this strap not to make the little wings at the top by the watch, but run a straight line.
  18. This morning I thought I would take pictures as I make a new watch strap for my Samsung Smart watch. Unfortunately, my phone takes 10mb pictures and after emailing them to myself, I have to move them into photoshop and decrease them in size, which is taking quite a bit of time. The whole process should take between 4 and 6 hours for one of these. However, I don't think I'll hit that mark today. I'll keep you posted.
  19. No issues with that @JD62 You should be able to see, but the straps are all adjustable with Chicago screws. If you have any questions while you're making it, hit me up and I'll try to answer.
  20. Thanks @battlemunky. When I was stationed in Louisiana, I got a lot of practice.
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