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Double U Leather

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Everything posted by Double U Leather

  1. Final Christmas'ish order done...LOL. They were ordered for a Christmas present, but ordered late and the customer was understanding enough to realize it wouldn't be right on Christmas when they got 'em. This customer has ordered several things from me in the past, and was happy to get these even if they were a bit past Christmas. Anyhow, take a look and let me know what you think. May you each be richly blessed in the New Year.
  2. Thanks gang very much for the nice words. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I've truly been blessed with this gift. From the man who showed me how the flow worked a few years ago, to others who have given me pointers and such along the way, those people have all been placed in my life for a reason. Included in those people, is Bruce Johnson who unselfishly sent me a pattern for the rope bag. I had no idea how to build one, and called Bruce and he sent me patterns for all the pieces. Thanks buddy. I'm truly humbled by your kind words, and so grateful for all of those who have become my friends along the way. Remain blessed folks.
  3. One more Christmas order done. Thank goodness these people don't live far away. I'll still have to deliver it though. This was the first one of these I've ever done. All in all, it turned out really well. The worst part was the back, and I'm not even gonna put that pic up. Long story, but there's a dark spot of oil that soaked through from the underside. I was sick. Sent a pic to the customer, and they didn't think it was that big of a problem. Whew!! Hopefully, in time it will lighten some. Aside from that, it turned out pretty slick. Learned some things along the way too. Only had to unstitch the gusset once to make it fit...LOL. Anyway, take a look and let me know what you think. Stay blessed gang.
  4. Thanks guys. I'm blessed to have been given this talent, and to be able to make it a nice supplemental income to my "real" job of being a rodeo announcer. tomt...I've never thought about a pattern book, simply because 99% of the time, I don't draw the pattern in the first place. I pretty much just lay out the circles and start carving. Oltoot...I understand what you're saying completely. But, it sure seems like I sell a lot of the bronc halters that it's only the noseband attached to a nylon halter. I did just get an order today for 2 full leather bronc halters. I really think sometimes the people order them more for looks than real functionality. A full leather one can be kinda spendy for some folks. Anyway, thanks again for the compliments. Remain in the blessings.
  5. One more order out the door in time for Christmas. I was real happy with the way this turned out. I think the customer will like it too. In talking with them, I think they'll order several more after they see this one. Anyway, take a look and give me your thoughts. I appreciate you looking, and as always, remain blessed.
  6. Thanks guys for the nice words. Chris...the screws go into the conchos on the back. I didn't take a pic of the spine. However, there is no wood in it. Pete...I didn't bevel the lines at all, and the blade is just a hollow ground 1/8" blade that I cut deep. Thanks again for the compliments. They mean a great deal to me. Stay blessed gang. Thanks guys for the nice words. Chris...the screws go into the conchos on the back. I didn't take a pic of the spine. However, there is no wood in it. Pete...I didn't bevel the lines at all, and the blade is just a hollow ground 1/8" blade that I cut deep. Thanks again for the compliments. They mean a great deal to me. Stay blessed gang.
  7. Here's another one out the door. All in all, I think it turned out pretty nice. One thing I know....I HATE ZIPPERS!! I think there's fixin' to be a drastic price increase for people who want zippered binders...LOL. Anyway, take a look and let me know what you think. Thanks for looking, and remain blessed.
  8. I use an old pair of hoof nippers that are too dull for the horses. Talk to someone who has horses, and you can probably get a pair of old hoof nippers given to you. And, they work great.
  9. Thanks gang for the nice words. I sure do like orders where customers aren't a huge rush, AND let me have some flexibility. Makes it a whole lot more fun. Treed.......I'll be darned. If my memory serves me correct, you went by Rose Rodeo Sound or something similar correct? Get ahold of me if you'd like. I got some stories from that Vancouver, WA rodeo, involving Jeff Hart and Bob Logue....LOL. Pretty funny stuff to say the least. Bruce...I got the pattern for the rope bag. Thank you very much. I've got the front almost all tooled. Still have the back and the pocket, plus dyeing the background and construction Gonna be crunch time to get it done by Christmas I think...LOL. Thanks again everyone for the nice words. Stay in the blessing.
  10. Here's another of the 7 of these this company has ordered. This time, I decided to dye the background to match the color of the lettering. I think it turned out pretty sharp. When the customer picked it up a couple days ago, he was sure excited too. This is the kind of order I really like doing because A) the customer is no rush at all to get all 7 of them done, and the customer is giving me some artistic liscense with them. Anyway, take a look and let me know what you think. Thanks for your time. Remain blessed.
  11. Hey gang.........sorry for the delay in responses. Once a post leaves the show off area, I rarely look at them again. The only reason I saw this one, was the Two Tone Belt title. Didn't realize it was mine...LOL. Anyway, Zoom.....I use a Singer 211G165 (I think that's the numbers) for most of my stitching. It's a great machine I've had for a long time, and works wonderfully. It will sew some pretty thick stuff too. Alex....here's the sequence I use. Tool it, let it dry overnight, dye, let it dry overnight, cover with NeatLac, let it dry for at least 4 hours, second coat of NeatLac, dry for 4 hours, antique, TanKote finish, stitch, and then finish edges. Hope that helps. Be blessed all.
  12. Alex, Thank you so much for posting this. I have never heard of this method of working with leather. I'm very intrigues now. Apparently there's not much shrinking to speak of as it dries correct? How hot is the oven in the "baking" process? Have you ever tried to tool the leather first? Thanks in advance for your insight.
  13. Roger......thanks for your words. Over the years, I've had to re-shape my attitude to say the least. And, because I finally came to know God, my attitude has changed. Don't get me wrong, I can still get pretty self absorbed, followed by negativity, but for the most part I'm much better now!!. Thanks again for the compliments. They mean a lot.
  14. Dang.........thanks for the nice words. I'm honored to have my peers think highly of my work. Chief....your words really mean a lot to me, especially the elegance part. That is exactly what I was going for. Not gaudy, not over the top, but functional and artistically appealing. Vman....just hang in there. If you could only see some of my early stuff....LOL. Like anything else, it just takes time and practice. The more time spent, the better the result.
  15. Akhenaten....sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. That quilt pattern as I call it, is done by using a wing divider to mark the lines, cut the lines with a hollow ground blade swivel knife, and then a seeder at every intersection. Hope that helps, but if you've found something that works for you, way to go. Be blessed.
  16. I'm not sure which straight lines you're talking about, but if it's the black ones around the border, those are done with a beader blade. Hope that helps.
  17. Wow.......thanks again everyone for your comments. As I said before, I'm truly humbled. Keable......I don't know about being too humble. I do know that I've been give a gift, and considering what a schmuck I've been for a lot of my life, I better not get too cocky thinking that I'm all that and a bag of chips. All I need to do to remain humble is look at some of the masters, and realize I'm still light years away from there. I will agree, that I may have to start charging a bit more or start working faster.....lol. Zoomer....I don't know if you can see the maker's mark or not, but it's in the San Marcos border on the backside of the briefcase. Thanks again gang for your kind words. Stay blessed.
  18. Update on the customer liking it....he posted a picture of it on his Facebook page, and within just a few hours, he said over 200 people commented on it!! He even sent me a text saying that one of those like wants me to set up a booth at some trade show....LOL. Who knows...might just get a few orders from someone else's Facebook even. Be blessed gang.
  19. I've found a couple ways around this. First, as has been mentioned, try using an oil based dye. The oil based doesn't seem as shiny and glossy, but if that is okay then go that route. The other way to go that has worked for me is using Angelus Pro Black dye. However, instead of rubbing the Clear Lac on with a piece of wool, I started using RTC by Bee Natural. It comes in a bottle that you can just spray on. That seems to work well for me. Like has been said, a good thorough buffing is necessary regardless. I cringe when I get an order with black dye on it somewhere. I've had more than one order be ruined by the lifting/smearing that black does. Anyway, I hope that helps.
  20. Thanks gang for the nice words. I'm humbled by the feedback. I've been blessed far more than I deserve to be. At any rate, the customer picked it up this evening. He was pretty well stunned!! In fact, he even gave me $50 tip. As for the time, I don't keep real good track of things like that. If I did, I'd start being concerned how much I was making an hour, and then try to rush stuff. But, I'd say roughly 60 hours from start to finish, plus or minus a little. Bottom line....the customer was happy and I felt like he got his money's worth. And, I turned out something I was proud to have my maker's mark on. Stay in the blessings ya'll.
  21. Thanks for the nice words guys. JLS....the gussets are soft, made of 3 oz. chap leather. Craftsman....the blue flower centers are Angelus paint. I couldn't find any dye that would not make the centers too dark. Thanks again for the compliments, and thanks for looking.
  22. Whew.......here's the latest out the door. I'm really pleased with this project. Might be the best thing I've ever turned out. The customer is supposed to pick it up tomorrow. I'm anxious to see how he likes it. As always, there are some things I will do differently the next time around, but it's all a learning process. Take a look and let me know what you think. Thanks for your time, and remain in the blessings.
  23. Becky....those turned out really well. I don't see anything wrong with them at all. And the model looks pretty nice too....LOL. Seriously, good work.
  24. bwillie...thanks. I'm not sure exactly how long it took, but I'd estimate 20 hours or so of tooling time. Long...I kinda just lay my circles out until I come up with something that I think works, then trace the circles, establish the flow, and start carving. I don't actually draw out patterns on paper. For instance, on this project, I laid out the circles on paper and then drew 3 flowers to see how the scrolls would fall and when I was happy, I started carving.
  25. Royal...thanks for the compliments. I do almost all of my sewing with a machine. Sorry I don't have any close up shots, and the order is already shipped. Ol....I understand what you mean about adjustable withers straps. I was going off a picture she sent, and the pictures didn't appear to have any adjustment. I think I get what you're saying about the bulge at the top of the ring. You're referring to the pieces that go around the horse's chest correct? If so, then I see what you mean. Not sure I know what you mean by the tunnel loops on the withers strap though. The straps that connect to the D's have another keeper besides the buckle keeper, but I just didn't thread them through. I was in a hurry to get the pics and get the order shipped before I headed out of town. I certainly do appreciate your input though. Where in WY are you?
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