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Double U Leather

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Everything posted by Double U Leather

  1. Jesse...unfortunately, I don't have any of the spine. I was simply 1 3/4" wide, and the binder part held in with 2 conchos. Electrathon....you're right. I installed a magnetic closure in it, and didn't allow myself enough room to stitch it. On the bottom of both handles, the closure was shoving my sewing machine foot around some. I'll remember the next time to give myself a tic more room.
  2. Another order out the door. This is a different type breast collar than what I've ever done in the past. I'd never had a customer want one with a withers strap. This customer was also trying to match the color of her saddle. She sent several pics of the saddle, and I sure hope I got close. At any rate, take a look and let me know what you think. Thanks for looking, and blessings to all.
  3. Here's the latest order done. All in all, I really like how this turned out. As always, there's a couple things I'll do differently the next time, but overall, I'm happy with it. Now if the customer shares the satisfaction, it'll be golden. At any rate, take a look and let me know what you think. Thanks for looking, and remain blessed.
  4. Oops...that smiley face thing is supposed to be a capital B and the right side of a parenthesis.
  5. Wow gang...ya'll are too kind. TomT...I've never thought of putting together any sort of book. A) I don't spell that good, and I sure don't think of my work as being on the level of someone who is worthy of writing a book. I may someday, but I sure don't feel qualified as of yet. Thanks again for the nice words. I'm humbled. Stay blessed.
  6. Charles...it's a pattern I did myself. Actually, I just laid the circles out where the flowers would go, and started carving. I don't draw patterns too often. However, on bigger projects, I've started drawing just to make sure things will fit.
  7. Thanks everybody for the compliments. They are appreciated. Craftsman...I didn't take pictures of the insides, and unfortunately the order is already shipped. I can describe the insides if that helps. The money flap was cut 3/4" shorter than the body of the billfold. I then put 2 credit card holders on each side laying sideways. I had to re-do the money flap once because I'd put the credit card holder too close to the center, and when a card was in it, it wouldn't fold. Hope that helps.
  8. Finally home and able to get something done in the shop. This is the first billfold I've done. Have done several checkbook covers, but never a billfold. Had to put my thinking cap on a bit to make it work on the insides. Anyway, take a look and let me know what you think. Thanks for looking, and stay blessed.
  9. Thanks gang for the compliments. They are appreciated. Pete...I really appreciate your words. You are correct, they are all my own original designs. Zoomer...I machine stitch all of my projects. From time to time I'll run into a spot where I have to hand stitch, but I try to avoid those spots like the plague...LOL. Anyway, thanks again for the nice words. Remain blessed all.
  10. Thanks for the kind words. They are certainly appreciated. Benlilly.....it was an extremely rough month, but thanks be to God, I've finally kinda gotten back into the groove a little bit. I'll promise you, if it wasn't for His grace, who knows how it could have all turned out. Anyway, thanks again for the nice compliments. Stay blessed.
  11. One more order done. These two tone belts are really a hit. I've had a bunch of orders for them. Take a look and let me know what you think. Thanks for your time, and continue to be blessed.
  12. Wow....thanks for all the nice words. They are most definitely appreciated. Electra...I may have to try that, although I look at my "oops's" as learning tools. Anyway, thanks again for the compliments gang. Stay blessed.
  13. Here's the latest order out the door. This is actually the second attempt at this one. The first one wound up in the scrap pile after the paint brush slipped outta my fingers and landed dead center where it wasn't supposed to....AAAARRRRGGGHHHHH. Anyway, I think it turned out pretty nice. Take a look and let me know what you think. Thanks for looking, and stay blessed.
  14. Here's finally a couple orders churned out after a VERY difficult month of August. There were several days after my Dad passed, that all I would do is just sit in the shop. Couldn't really do anything. But, nonetheless, orders had to be filled. The one item is the second of 7 trippin' collars that were ordered. The customer is very understanding and there's no rush to get the order completed. This one was all tooled when my Dad passed, so it sat for a while until I got back to it. The other item is a zippered notebook that was promised by Sept. 1. Except for the Labor Day holiday, it arrived on time. I can tell you, with the grieving process combined with some other very stressful personal issues that went on at about the same time, installing this zipper was a royal pain in the neck!!! I don't like doing zippers very much anyway, and with the various stresses that I was going through, it's a wonder someone (most likely myself) didn't get hurt in the process...LOL. Dadgum I was getting frustrated before I finally got it done. Anyway, take a look and let me know what ya'll think. Thanks for your time, and remember, the answers to all of life's problems are found by looking up, not moping around and staring down. Stay blessed.
  15. Hard to get motivated. My Dad passed away Aug. 9, and I'm trying to process it all. RIP Dad. I love ya and I'll see ya on the other side.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Samalan


      My Condolences your dad is always with you.

    3. Samalan


      My Condolences your dad is always with you.

    4. Samalan


      My Condolences your dad is always with you.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  16. Finally got this large order done. In total, it was 5 rope cans. The customer took the first one when it was done to take to the ropings to show the contestants what they were roping for. Glad to get this one done and out of the way. Lots of time in each of these dudes. Anyway, take a look and let me know your thoughts. Thanks for your time, and stay blessed.
  17. Thanks gang. I appreciate the nice words immensely. It's kind of a funny story about the movie actually. When he ordered the belt, he said he was a movie prop guy and needed it for an upcoming movie. I didn't think anything about it, and started asking all of the "leather guy" type questions i.e., what size, what color tip, etc. Then when I got it all done, I realized I hadn't even asked what kind of movie it was. I got a little nervous that it might have been something I didn't want my work to appear in...LOL. But, when I contacted him again for the shipping address, he said it was a Western. Whew...lol.
  18. Here's the next order done. It's the same pattern I've used on the last couple belts, and it seems like customers are really liking it. This belt is for a customer who is a movie prop person and needed a belt for a new Western he's working on. He said if the producers like it, they will need 7 or 8 more!!! Anyway, have a look and let me know what you thing. Blessings to all of you.
  19. Thanks Buttons...Yes, I do all of the dyeing and finish work before stitching. The stitching is the last step I do except for the edges.
  20. Ms. Benlilly...I know you're just pickin' with me. The funny thing is, I also take several shots, and sometimes this is still what I come up with...LOL. I don't know if my eyes are just getting worse and worse, or if I just don't have a steady hand, or what the deal is, but sometimes my photos are horrible. You should have seen the ones I deleted...LOL. Anyway, thanks again for the compliment.
  21. Thanks I think Ms. Benlilly...LOL. I do sometimes struggle with the photo part. I think today I was running low on Copenhagen or something. Maybe someday I'll be rich and famous and hire a professional photo type person to handle that part...LOL. Until then, I guess I'll just make do. Thanks again for the compliment.
  22. I go to my local feed store and take the cardboard off of the top of the pallets of feed. They're about 4' x 4', and make super patterns. A couple of those pieces will make a lot of patterns for sure.
  23. Stringduster...perhaps you should try decaf. I agree totally with what everyone else is saying. Johanna and crew are all doing this site out of the love of leather and leather workers. They aren't some fat cats getting rich off of members. You definitely owe them an apology and a lot more respect. Just sayin'...
  24. Here's the next order done. This is a repeat customer who I built a pair of chaps for earlier in the year. He's a bareback rider and wanted his "motto" on the back of his belt. It turned out pretty slick. The pictures aren't too good, but I'm not much of a photographer...LOL. Anyway, take a look and let me know what you think. Thanks for your time, and keep being blessed.
  25. Thanks gang for the compliments. I truly appreciate them. Buttons....the coloring is simply to dye everything but the floral design and initials, then 2 coats of Clear Lac, followed by Sheridan Brown antique. Widget...yes the belt is lined. I line all of my projects.
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