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Everything posted by bentley

  1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  2. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  3. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  4. bentley


    Nice job, I see you have been busy. Have a Merry Christmas! Mark Bentley
  5. Incandescent light has very little U rays, to get more UV use bare fluorescent lamps (lens materials tend to filter UV rays). The following two paragraghs were copied from a web site. CFL that they refer to is Compact Fluorescent Lamp, they are sold in all stores as replacements for incandescent lamps but 4 foot fluorescent tubes in a shop light will also emit UV light. "One thing that is not talked about much is that CFLs emit more ultraviolet (UV) light than an incandescent bulb, which produces virtually none. Light in a CFL starts out as UV from excited gases, and is made visible by phosphors coating the inside of the tube/bulb. Incandescent light is mostly infrared emitted by heating the filament to super high temperatures (leading some to call them "heat bulbs" instead of "light bulbs"). Most of the UV from a CFL is filtered out in the conversion, but there is still some. Manufacturers say, however, that there is no health risk and that eight hours of exposure to CFL UV is about the same as one minute in full sunlight. But, photographs, artwork, some fabrics, and some photoreactive chemicals used in furniture finishes are susceptible to degradation from any increased levels of UV over time. So this is something to consider"
  6. I am always amazed when I read a reply post on this site that includes negative comments about specific businesses, often after praising another company. Unless the initial post was about a bad experiance with a company why do others feel the need to jump in and bash a company that provides services related to the topic. For instance, obviously some people on this site have a dislike for Tandy but the store that I visit is a great place to meet with other crafters, share ideas and the manager is extremely knowledgeable and always helpful, regardless if I purchase anything that day or not. Tandy is not the only company that I have recently seen unsought negative comments about recently. Lets try to remember what Mom always said, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all". Constructive criticism and suggestions on what manufactures may help someone are always appreciated but can we stop the bashing.
  7. Talked to Heather Wednesday and she said your new job is doing very well, CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am very happy for you.

  8. Never thought about warming the granite slab to tool on, maybe AZ pounders should put it in the refrigerator in the summer. Thanks for the idea.

  9. Finally cooling down in AZ, got off my lazy but and cleaned the work bench off in the garage, started some new projects!

  10. Congrats on your store. I see you changed for your location. That should be a little cooler! Good Luck!!!!!

  11. I am impressed, nice idea. How about a pic of the back and inside next time. Keep up the good work.
  12. I stitch with a groove on one side only.
  13. Very considerate of you, nice work!
  14. Wow, I really like what you have done. Nice depth in your tooling, good work.
  15. Are you still packing or did you move on down the road?

  16. Not sure about humidity since I live in AZ but I store my sides in the garage which is probably 120 degrees some days. I built a box with 4'x8'x3/4" plywood bottom, 2x6 sides and masonite lid that I hung from the rafters, I did that to keep the leather flat and the light out. Works good for me, some leather has been in there a couple years and still good and same color as when I bought it.
  17. Bentley, Hey I got my saddle tree and got started on it Saturday. I guess now I will have a chance to put all my new tools to use! Tim, Guess I need to get in and see what is new with everyone, maybe see you Wednesday. Mark
  18. If you want to try aluminum check out Lowes home improvement, they keep them in the drawers in the fastener section, I think they call them captive screws, lots of differant lengths.
  19. RIP, still thinking of you one year later.

  20. Looks nice Tim, you sure seem to have a lot of friends lately, haha.
  21. I don't think there are any attachments for a grinder, I have seen many for a drill or drill press.
  22. Welcome to LW from a neighbor in Arizona, your work looks good, hope to see more in the future.
  23. Nice post, good pics. Very nice inverted design, I like the bling, just the right amount. Thanks for the tip on where you got the buckle, always interested in unique buckles.
  24. Fritz, They are all beautiful. I can not see a stitch line on the stingray, may I ask how you attached it to the leather? Mark
  25. Nice work Tim, that is what I need, a second bench used just for carving, tooling and stamping since my main bench gets so cluttered with STUFF. Now if I can figure out how to do it so the legs fold so I can take it with me on trips.
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