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Everything posted by Scott1952

  1. Same problem here, but only from my home machine. From work, I sign on fine.
  2. I work for a large, purple, express package delivery company that flys large purple, orange and white aircraft. I started with them 25 years ago as an aircraft mechanic, and now spend most of my time watching others do the work. I am currently the on-site rep at one of our vendors who are converting passenger 757 aircraft into frieghters for us. I have worked in aviation all of my adult life, and have learned to hate airplanes!!! When I grow up, I am going to be a Fireman or a Cowboy. Scott
  3. Looks great. How about some photos of the back side?
  4. Sweet! Whoever made that was a craftsman.
  5. It was kind of an experiment. I first stained the leather in Black Tea overnight, then after it dried, I cleaned it with acetone and applied room temp Tabasco. I allowed this to sit until absorbed, acetone cleaned again, and reapplied liberal amounts of Tabasco. I let is sit like this overnight. After drying overnight, I wiped it with a liberal amount of Virgin Olive Oil inside and out. I continued to apply the oil as it was absorbed by the leather, taking caution not to soften it too much. Take note, at this point the holster is darker colored in the thinner sections, it will take a couple of days for the entire holster to become one solid color. Just set it aside and be amazed like I was. lol. After staining I finished it with a 50/50 mixture of Bees Wax and Olive Oil. I am doing another one this week, will see how this one turns out. Scott
  6. It looks to me like your stitching is near to perfect, I'm envious! Did you groove for the stitches or not? It doesn't appear so from the pictures. Beautiful work. Scott
  7. Question for the Pros. What type/models of pistols do you make most of your holsters for?
  8. Look at my post in this section under "first attempts", It has pictures of my holsters done with coffee, black tea, and Tabasco. Scott
  9. Ah ha! Learn something new everyday on this site! Thanks Scott
  10. Ok, I have a nubie question, what is flatting? My mechanic mind tells me it is pounding leather flat, but this makes too much sense. Scott.
  11. Too late, already hooked! The natural stains/dyes are fun, because of the various shades, light/dark areas on the project. Makes them look almost antiqued. Also, no two are ever the same.
  12. Here I sit, just reading and learning...can't be beat.
  13. Thanks. Great idea on the belt tunnel, I will give it a shot.
  14. These are my first attempts at any type of leather work. I would like some constructive feedback from the pros. The colors are what I call my "Box of chocolates" effect..."You never know what you are going to get". The 2" revolver holster is Black Tea, the 357 K Frame is Coffee, and the FNP 40 is Tabasco. All are finished with a hand rubbed, 50/50 mixture of Bees Wax and Virgin Olive Oil. I still need to work on my edges and belt cutouts, but I am slowley getting the hang of it I think. Added larger pictures. Thanks Scott [att chment=19250:IMGP2806web.JPG]
  15. Just did a holster in black tea last night, setting in the sun today to tan. Will post photos when complete. Scott
  16. Question for the experts. What weight leather do you make you IWB belt loops out of? Thanks Scott
  17. Thanks for all the info. I will retire to my secret Lab for experimentation.......If I can only get by those pesky Villagers.......
  18. Thanks! I would guess that it takes very little vinegar, is that correct?
  19. When using a natural dye i.e. Black Tea or boiled down Pecan hulls, do you mix it with vinegar to dye the leather? Scott.
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