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Everything posted by doublehbar

  1. Good job! I agree with Mutt, the angle stitch is pretty neat.
  2. I wholeheartedly agree! There is an overwhelming amount of info on this site. I have found for myself that it helps to read a little each day and come back when I need to research something specific. Best thing to do is just jump on in and start posting questions that you may have and even pictures of your projects. I think you will like it here. The people on this site are incredible at sharing knowledge and giving encouragement!
  3. I agree with everyone else. You are off to a fantastic start!
  4. Nice work! I bet she will love it.
  5. Just now seeing this reply. Believe it or not, that is how I just stamped my new project. I held the stamp somewhat firmly and whacked the stamp with commitment. I also held the stamp down low so my fingers were resting on the stamp portion itself. Seemed to help my problem some. Thank you so much for your input! I think you are referring to Vet Wrap and I actually thought about using that, but wasn't sure how well it would work. Now I am going to give it a try and see how I like it. Thank you!
  6. Mental note: Avoid Tandy's tri-weave stamp. lol Now you have piqued my interest about better stamps. I think I will make it my goal to set aside some money from every project for buying better tools.
  7. Hahaha. Thank your for the laugh. I love this. Your compliments were so nice to hear and I would love to get to the point where people see my work and want me to make them something too. Heck. I am looking forward to the point where I get a little free time to make something for myself. lol I am going to be needing a new wallet and I am planning on making my own when I get the chance. I really hope that I someday experience people making a fuss over what I make for them. That would be a great feeling!
  8. I was reading a bunch of old posts on here and stumbled on your advice about being able to buff out errant tool marks with a regular spoon. Was able to employ that practice yesterday and though it didn't work for all of my mistakes, it did work for some. So, thank you!!

    1. Gabriel Rasa

      Gabriel Rasa

      Glad it worked for you! It's not foolproof, because sometimes you can't buff low enough with the spoon to get rid of all the unwanted marks, but it's definitely better than nothing sometimes. The swivel knife itself can raise unwanted lumps in the leather, so I tend to buff the whole surface down even when there's not a particular blemish I'm trying to get rid of. I doubt my customers notice, but I feel it's much cleaner that way. :)

    2. doublehbar


      Nothing in life is foolproof.:) I have very limited practice with the swivel knife, but is on my list of must learn. I will remember that buffing when I am done will polish the look. Thank you again!

  9. Thank you so much! You guys have made my day!! I was super nervous starting this because I knew it wasn't a practice piece. I struggled with shadow bounce a little, but maintained my composure rather than let it plummet off a cliff. Lol After the picture I started punching holes with my new awl and found out how much different it is compared to the cheapie that I had. This craft seems to be a never ending learning curve. haha Leder- Did you notice a difference between the BK stamps as opposed to the cheaper ones? I have some cheap stamps right now due to budget constraints, but I have been eye balling the nicer stuff and dreaming.
  10. This is part of a knife sheath that I am working on for one of my husband's coworkers. I am new to leather and even newer to stamping. Though the work isn't without flaws, I am pleased with the progress that I am making. Basketweave is a tricky one, but I am determined to get it someday. I wanted to share with people who know what it's like to learn this trade.
  11. Thank you all for your suggestions. I am getting a little better with each practice and feeling a little more encouraged. I am about to be thrown in the fire on it though. Have a guy that wants me to make him a knife sheath with basketweave. Lord help me.
  12. Thanks Matt! I will raid hubby's toolbox and see if there is anything I can borrow for a maul to see if that helps. Thank you Fred! I will place more focus on my grip the next time and see if that is my culprit.
  13. Thanks for your reply! I do have a solid surface, but I am not sure if my mallet would be considered heavy or not. Its a large head size poly mallet from Tandy. Not sure what the weight is on it.
  14. Hi! I am fairly new to the forum and leatherwork in general. I did the genius thing of buying a basketweave set as my first stamping tools thinking it would be easiest to learn. Yes, I now know better. lol Good news is that I have been practicing quite a bit which is in turn giving me lots of casing practice as well. My problem seems to be that I am sometimes getting what I would call a shadow mark. I assuming that I am somehow allowing the stamp to bounce while striking, so it creates a very faint impression near the impression I purposely made. I have been concentrating and trying to catch what exactly it is that I am doing when this happen and am having no luck in catching myself in the act. Does anyone have tips on how to get away from doing this? My fear is that I will end up doing it on a real piece that I am making and have to scrap a project.
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