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    Vancouver BC

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  1. This is for my savage mark II F but not fully complete yet
  2. Hi, I have crafted this leather buttstock cover for my Browning xbolt SS 30-06 SPRG stalker rifle. Have you purchased one for your marlin yet ?? Thanks
  3. This is one of my antique art work for a project that I did. cheers . Another antique art work for a project cheers A.J
  4. Which caliber, type of rifle you have?? . I can always make one for any rifle. This antique finish colour is made by me. I have crafted it from ground zero, also it was hand stitched with 1mm thick thread. The carving was done by me also it has light dovetail tooling around. show us what you have the rifle you own. thanks
  5. they are beautiful indeed ,thanks for your input, If you need one for different rifle let me know. cheers
  6. This is a cover I made for my xbolt SS Stalker 30-06 sprg with custom stain colour. cheers A.J
  7. I Made this cover of a Veg-tan leather for my Browning X-bolt SS Stalker 30-06 SPRG Rifle. I also started a new project for my Savage Mark II F .22 LR rifle. cheera.
  8. I crafted this Veg-tan cover for the buttstock of my X-Bolt SS Stalker 30-06 SPRG rifle. I am in the process of making different one for my savage Mark II F .22 Rifle.
  9. Thanks rob I have two accounts one is SAM76 and the other is AJ2018 just for clarification. cheer.
  10. I use Solidworks Expert 3D/2D software for leather pattern modeling then touch it up with Photoshop after then export the results to PDF using adobe . but the procedure i use is very complex to novice person, so i recommend something simpler even though solidworks output an extremely precise measurements. if you give it the right commands, but i don't recommend it for even intermediate users as certain features are extremely complex to achieve, and might put too much strains on you if you don't know what you doing. for example here is one design image i did in solidworks, but still need some more stitching. good luck with the image , indeed it was nice design. cheers, A.J2018
  11. some more pictures , still have to stitch the pad that is why i still have stitches on the holes. this cover has a different beautiful color finish as you see. but the color mix ratio is hard to get without having paint experience. what do you think guys, lets see what you got and lets learn from each others. cheers, A.J2018
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