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Everything posted by Madmax500000

  1. Just finished this one for a coworker happens to be a die hard cowboys fan if you can’t tell. First themed item I’ve done. I’m pretty happy with the results. Let me know what y’all think. Love feedback and constructive critique.
  2. I’ve used stuff from China it’s sews fine but it’s not the same quality as tiger thread. Mostly the amount of wax. If you use amazon at all there are about 50 different sellers on there with hand sewing thread. Most are reasonably priced. Most sell different spool sizes as well so your not out $40 if you don’t like it. On a side note make sure you read the reviews and questions on the sellers page because some of the item discriptions are quite vague.
  3. Was wondering if any has used a 3D printed gun for a mold gun. And if so where did they get the 3D files from. I’m thinking this might be a cheaper option then the mold gun that are available online.
  4. Let me clarify I just did the tooling and stitched it on. The case was provided to me.
  5. Laptop case I just finished. Tooled a panel and attached it to the top of the bag turned it pretty well. 8oz veg tan. Spanish brown dye and dark brown antique. . 8 tiger thread in cream. More pictures
  6. I would like to see a “how to” also I’ve been asked to do a few seats on bike just recently and would like to see your process. You do very clean work. Simple but beautiful.
  7. I’ll give that a try. Definitely can’t make it worse.
  8. Thanks but as I sit here I still have a shoulder of leather from tandy and I need to do something with it. Is there something I can treat the leather with that will help it burnish better or just notch it up to a learning experience.
  9. With all things being equal (casing, tools used, leather thickness) why is it that some veg tan leather doesn’t burnish as well as others do. I have a craftsman shoulder from Tandy 8/9 oz and just can’t get a good burnish when tooling. Is there anything I can do to fix this or is it the leather. thanks for any help
  10. The link at the top will take you to the pictures. Click on tooled purse in blue
  11. Tooled purse so a friend of mine commissioned a purse for his wife for an anniversary present never made one before but gave it a shot said she had been given on by her father when she was young, but had lost it somehow over the years. He passed away in 2016 and he thought this might be something she would like. He gave me one reference photo off google and said it kinda looked like this I think. And said she like sunflowers. Cool thing is I personally delivered it on there anniversary to there house and was invited in for the unveiling. Makes you feel good to watch someone marvel at something made for them then cry. But let me tell you I was nervous as hell watching her open it not knowing if she would like it. The bag is 6oz on the outside and 3oz on the sides and strap. Saddle tan dye on the sides and tan kote and antique ont the tooled portions. Love to hear some feedback and also those of you that sell you work would love to know what y’all would charge for something like this.
  12. It’s funny you say that someone else suggested the same thing and I noticed that there is a very distinct spiral in the seed pod when I did some research. So we will see if that helps I’ll post the finished project when I’m done
  13. Sunflowers 1-4 so im working on a bag for someone and they want sunflowers. Well I can’t figure out the centers for the life of me. If anyone has done them or has a good reference for me to look at I’d really appreciate the help the link is to the 4 various centers I’ve come up with. Thanks for the help
  14. Checkbook so I finished my fist real tooled project. Tooled veg tan belly saddle tan dye and Sheridan antique. Acrylic resoline top coat. Hand stitched. Let me know how I did. Looking for some feedback and critique. Had trouble uploading the other photos but there in the link.
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