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Everything posted by Greybeard

  1. Those are some Nice Purses. They will make wonderful gifts.
  2. Check your local Tandy store, They should have some classes.... and Welcome ! I find leather to be a satisfying and rewarding hobby!
  3. Excellent! Now I know what to save my penny s for!
  4. I think Homedepot now carries this too. Thanks for the Tip it will help loads!
  5. cool Ill have to check in to this.... Thanks
  6. You have a Base price range for these machines?
  7. That's Cool, Do you Use these to attach your wallet chains? (Key chain on one end wallet on other)
  8. Welcome, We are darn glad to have ya! Web site looks Good. Hope to see lots of good stuff from You and your Guildies!
  9. Excellent Job! That is one Wicked Purse! Again, I bow before down before you.....
  10. hey that looks pretty cool! like the tooling and the whole design layout.
  11. Very Nice!I like the lace, it really makes the seat pop! David, What stain Are you using there, is it a hi-light or leather glow? And Where did You get that neat Glass leather slicker!
  12. Nice Design, Nice braiding, ( aw hell ) Nice Seat!
  13. Nice seat! like the flames, Acrylics?
  14. Cool Cant wait, Just got my LC&SJ and signed up for the FREE issue of Shop Talk, ...
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