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Everything posted by Greybeard

  1. Happy to contribute in any way I can
  2. Yes construction pattern, not Your Design pattern (Which is very original and all you). Thanks for the info....
  3. Hey Tina, We love your bags!My wife Likes your bags so much she wants to try one ( Im trying to get her More involved in the Leather work ) I think I've seen the pattern (recently) for a similar bag. Could you point me in the right direction? --------over there------> No, <--------over there------ Thanks
  4. Woooh I think I just soiled my self, those belts Are the Sh@#t! That Man Has got the Talent. If I ever hit the loto I'm gonna order me a couple!
  5. DL = Drivers License Skoal = Chewing tobacco Rendition = Version of the pouch Vegvisir = ? (Maybe Veggie Visor ) or Maybe a name for a small Pouch?
  6. Thank You Mr. Lobo, I feel vindicated. As always, Your Years of Experience are deeply appreciated and we learn from you daily...
  7. As Stated I THINK, I read that chrome tanned leather had salt in it. Not to be confused with it DOSE have... I have not seen Corrosion on any Guns or Knives due to Holsters of any type ( I Do not store Mine holstered ). By all means I am Defiantly Not a Chemist Nor a Expert in anything having to do with the Tanning Process (or Leather working for that manner), But my interest stretch far and wide . I let my fingers do the walking all over this here Internet, and I'd say that I retain about 60% of what I see and Read... Ill have to do some investigation and see what I find. I Have Avoided Using Chrome Tanned Leather for Holsters and Sheaths Based on that info I "Read" and that may have been Ignorant of me considering I didn't Know the source.
  8. I think, I Read somewhere that Chrome tanned leather has Salts in it that might corrode metal.
  9. WELCOME ! It will be a pleasure to check out pics of your work. If you need anything just ask, Some one will know how it is done. Lot of talented people here...
  10. Nice back ground work. The Figure beveling could use some smoothing (walking ), over all not bad We look forward to more pics, Don't worry we all get better as we go on
  11. if you dont have a tax id you have to call for a catalog ( at least that's how I understand it)
  12. Thanks Johanna, A great resource.
  13. Say, Those are Nice! Very professional looking. I'm impressed!
  14. Hello and Welcome! Looking forward to seeing pics of your future work, This subject interests me too. I have a Lady at work who wants me to make a couple of bags for her and her daughter.
  15. Did you know you can purchase Used Barrel Staves which are oak and already have that nice ( curve to them. Thought Id mention it, As I have been looking in to a Stitching Horse / Pony My self.
  16. Hello and WELCOME! This is not my area of expertise, but couldn't you install the concho and sew a flap of leather over the screw back to protect the horse? Just a Thought....
  17. Not usually, but if you get a lot of sun exposure colors are more prone to bled out (IE.. black spreading) or lighter colors fading. ( Note ): to those who get tattooed for longevity of your tattoos, Use sun block when you go out. Take a little time to protect your investment... WC if you are ever in Fl, (Daytona Beach Area )Look me up and Ill touch up that tat for you (No Charge).
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