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Everything posted by Fairytailover123456

  1. how are you doing al still looking for 45k 25 rocker shaft

    1. Evo160K


      Hi John,

       I haven't been logging on much lately, so I don't see the PM's.  I just now logged on and saw your message.  Things are going ok here.  Finished the 45K25.  You may have to buy a 45K parts machine to get a rocker shaft.

      Give me a call when you have time, we'll catch up.

  2. how ya been al I had a bout with tonsel cancer ok for now I found a singer 241-12 complete with clutch motor an table . I got 45k together stich lenth is not quite right.but it sews. I am looking for athreading diagram for 241-12 thanks
  3. you got a good buy ijust got one 110.00 im getting to know it need threading diagram
  4. they make a round belt spliceing plyers it cuts it straight punches holes an sets rings go to belt splicers for flat belt for rings at farm store.
  5. jimi  can you get a better  assembly picture  I tried to print this one of 45k . I couldn't read it. thanks

    1. jimi


      Hi, i am a bit lost here? what assembly picture??

  6. those people who choose to turn these old sewing machines into art have one thing good out of it.they have acsess.to absolute parts
  7. I have 45k25   I need  screw  for  feed dog  carrier 91160. to hold feed dog. 91422    thanks     singer

  8. some one added behind the bobbin hook a feed dog carrage .put a feed dog on it. lighten up pressure foot. flip it on its side to see if they added a second shaft down the arm please post pictures. I have a 45k76 I want to do that to. get on eby maual 45k21 to78 it covers aii the parts .john
  9. need parts for 45k21 through 63  thread makeup  cam that runs feed dog 98608 an feed dog with matching needle plate amd screw . any imput would br helpful.  I an in il. john 217 370 8902 thanks

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