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Everything posted by karlova

  1. I gotta mention that I am so happy to be among all you crazy leather stitchers and to know that I'm not alone in my passion! My friends are a bit tired of me speaking about leather and bags all the time LOL
  2. Thanks!! This is Katahdyn Crazyhorse from Acadia Leather, dry split to 3-3.5 oz. It is pretty similar to Old Town Folklore which I am expecting soon from them to compare, I would say this one is better for small goods it has a pretty firm temper and waxy finish. Making a bag is like diving, you just have to do it once and then you discover it's not as scary as it seems. Just a bit more stitching LOL
  3. That's some really nice work here, I love it! Won't provide any criticism, only admiration
  4. oh my. wow, so super neat.
  5. I love it, such a good job and cool photography. Very very beautiful finish.
  6. OMG yeah "insane" is the right word
  7. awesome job!! love them
  8. and that was a subtle reminder that rotary cutter is really, really sharp LOL but thanks to constant stitching the skin was too thick to cut through this time. Ouch.
  9. Just finished my new backpack, took me 2 days, everything hand stitched lots of rivets, solid brass hardware, veg tan pads, I think I love it :D So far this is the most complicated leather project I've ever done and I thought it would take much more than just two days. Sorry for bad photos, I will take better pics when there's daylight, just can't wait to share!
  10. Yes, sometimes even just by eye, I should become more organized and save them but I can't LOL!! seems so boring! Yep, online is my only opportunity to get nice leather These hides I get from Acadia Leather, occasionally buy something on Etsy or Ebay but just small stuff (goat or lambskins mostly) Wow thanks a lot I am still learning myself!
  11. Also was experimenting with leather oblong eyelets, need to make something like this on the new backpack, I guess it'll work fine. Gotta be a bit more accurate tho LOL
  12. Wow thank you all for your feedback I am making a backpack for myself because the canvas backpack I had previously (also made by me) was unexpectedly sold and it's gone to Norway LOL the guy wanted it so bad I couldn't resist... so here is the new one being made out of Katahdyn Crazyhorse 3.5 oz - just managed to cut the main parts out and sew the pockets... actually I didn't know I can make such nice pockets before I made these.... LOL I also managed to punch my finger with a harness needle, I didn't know that was even possible cause they're dull... The rivets are made bad intentionally - I screwed up one of them and said "wtf" and banged the soul out of them all. It's going to be mine and I don't really care. :D I will call it "rustic" hahaha the pocket flaps have natural edges so will the main flap!
  13. Thanks Gary! I found these paints on Etsy from US sellers which is much closer
  14. Such a happy day today, I got two shipments - a Katahdyn Crazyhorse side (dry-split to 3.5 oz), another one from BuckleGuy with whole bunch of solid brass hardware and a strap cutter! I have already tried the latter - how could I ever live without it?? It's just a little wooden piece of happiness. Feels like Christmas LOL
  15. agree I get it! Pleased to hear I actually can get anything I want as there's a shipping service from the US. It's just very expensive, and takes additional time to arrive. I wish I could just go to a real leather shop and touch everything before I buy.
  16. Хаха ))) Спасибо!! Thanks I didn't quite understand what you meant about the items I have on hand, English isn't my native and I get confused sometimes! Actually, that, too, but you never know what you'd enjoy - I never thought I'd enjoy hand stitching, and I ended up loving it. I will give it a shot with acrylics to see if I love or hate the process.
  17. Huh, I've just looked up edge paint and some of them are actually acrylics. Can I use regular acrylic paint for the edges? My other hobby is painting so I do have loads of acrylic paints here on the boat
  18. Thank you all very much for warm welcome! I have Etsy shop but I can only sell big stuff there, as the shipping from here is also expensive, doesn't make sense for small items that are cheaper than $100 And anyway I haven't sold a thing there as I am really, really bad in marketing and promotion LOL probably the worst in the world! Well I am thinking about it from time to time. Main problem is that I only can order dyes by ocean as most of them are haz.mats (flammable). That means 5-7 weeks waiting for it to get shipped On the other hand I like raw leather edges, because it looks authentic to me, dunno if that's just my thing but some products are made of such a good faux leather with finished edges you can only tell by smell that it isn't leather. So I always preferred to see raw edges to make sure. If I could get dyes tho, I would try it definitely.
  19. ...having a Tandy store too close is really, really dangerous. :D indeed
  20. По-моему все супер отличная работа!
  21. This tote is machine stitched, but I don't like doing this anymore, not with leather :D
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