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  1. Is this still available? I live in St. Cloud, MN, and I am interested. Joel
  2. $410 w/shipping. I probably have a leathercraft problem.
  3. I recently remortgaged my house to buy a couple of Brogue Punches from KS Blade Punches. After waiting for several weeks, I finally received them and I have to say I Love the quality of these tools. They're well built and easy to use, and worth the time and money if you want to do some quality Brogue work. I bought the 5-hole punch for contours and the 8-hole punch for quicker/straighter lines, with enough spare hole punches to work in 3.0, 3.5, or 4.0mm center holes. The picture was me goofing around with some spare 3oz old world belly, and zero layout planning.
  4. I'd like to make a suggestion: you could sew/glue a strip of thick leather to the inside of the waist flap, at the bottom edge. Leave the top edge of the added strip cut square (don't profile or burnish). This works to increase the retention characteristic, similar to a paddle holster.
  5. Pkay, That's good constructive criticism, and a good photographic example. I appreciate your input (even if the OP doesn't). Always trying to learn.
  6. Thanks! He loves it. And he loves to show me how he's "breaking it in." :-)
  7. @WeekendHobby, I was digging through some patterns and I found that I had made a pattern for the front pocket of the Buffalo/Bovine backpack as well! Good luck!
  8. Sorry, I know it's not much, but this is literally the only pattern I made up. The rest I just kinda created as I went and made adjustments as necessary. I used (approximately) 8oz veg tab for these two pieces, Buffalo hide for the sides, pocket, and strap cushions. The strap landings were 5oz veg tan. For the back piece, after cutting the veg tan I folded the bottom 90° (inside out) stitched the sides, back, and bottom together, then wet and turned right-side out.
  9. Hmm... I'll take some pictures of the "pattern" I have, and add some dimensions, but you'll need to do a lot of improvising. I only made a template for the front, and back/bottom. The rest I just kinda made up as I went. I may not be able to get to this until next week...
  10. Well, since it was my third... his brother and sister... But this one is definitely the nicest one so far. Thank you for the complement!
  11. This was my first attempt at a bag/backpack without a pattern. I roughly modeled it after a GoRuck GR1... but had to pattern, so I made my own. This is the third backpack I've made for my kiddos. The smooth leather is all veg-tan and mostly 8-9 oz, the rest is Bison. The entire bag is hand-stitched (some running stitch, done saddle stitch depending on application).
  12. Does anybody have experience with the Toyota Super Jeans machines? I have a Tippmann Boss for the heavy stuff, but want to know if the Toyota can handle day-to-day work with multiple layers of 3-5 ounce?
  13. Thank you. And again, good job on the bag!
  14. That looks great! My girlfriend's sister is getting married this summer and I'm planning to make a black dopp bag for him, and a white makeup bag for her, both lined with material from a bridesmaid dress, but I've never done a lining before. Do you have any reference you could suggest for lining (book, video, forum post, etc.)? Was this dopp bag your own design, or a purchased pattern?
  15. joelpete


    Hey, I LIKE that! My kiddos have been asking me to make them an ammo pouch for their slingshot. This could be just the ticket!
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