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Everything posted by mick86

  1. Thank you battlemonkey. Hope to get em looking a bit better than selling em would be great. Thanks kiwican
  2. Tried to make some of my own stamps from some nails I had as suggested by a fellow on Facebook, so I could get into tighter spaces in the designs I want to do. They worked but they (and my skills) are not great yet. I made myself a drink coaster using the little stamps I made. The design is from Elder Scrolls Skyrim: College of Winterhold window. I kept getting my thumbnail on the wet leather and causing marks, ill have to learn to stop that. I also made a very easy honeycomb sort of stamp using a hex tech screw.
  3. That is very nice. Good job.
  4. That is a very good idea thank you fredk.
  5. Thank you for your feedback bullmoosepaddles. I just started learning the runes this year myself. Very interesting stuff. I made the runes from birch wood. They are 9mm to10mm in the round blue bag and 13mm to 14mm in the textured brown bag and both are 3mm thick. I have made bigger ones but wanted some smaller pack ones.
  6. Very cool sheath and an interesting handle too
  7. That's awesome, good job.
  8. Thanks for the info Zulidog. Will check those channels out
  9. Gday. I've made a few bags. On one of them you see a textured finish but that wasn't what I wanted to do. I traced on a celtic design that I was going to punch in however I couldn't get the background tool into the tight corners and it just looked terrible so I used a different background stamp and crushed it all down. Is there a way I can get into the tight corners/spaces? A different tool or technique? Also after putting the texture on, it was all out of wack, no longer symmetrical. Was I too rough? was it too much water? Cheers
  10. Hello. I have been making knives for a while now and just the other day, made my first sheath. It was my first time working with leather so its not perfect but I thoroughly enjoyed working with the leather. I purchased a very cheap kit from ebay consisting of thread's needles, awl, stamps, thread spacer punch things and more (I dont know the correct terms for any of them yet.) was $40 for 40 pieces or so. I watched a youtube vid and decided to do my own version of what they done for a sheath. I ran into a few problems but in the end it came up good enough. Id like to learn more about working with leather to improve on my sheaths and make other leather things. Going to try a small rune bag today and give the pattern stamps a go.
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