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Everything posted by mick86

  1. Nice. Looks awesome.
  2. Very tidy. Looks great.
  3. Will do that next time thanks Mike. Thank you Bullmoosepaddles.
  4. Thanks every one. I posted the same thing on Facebook and got similar feedback. Everyone likes the way it looks so I am pleased about that and will leave it as is. Its strange that this texture came out on the sheath for this knife because the knife itself had the same issue. I wanted it to have a black finish on the blade but it just wouldn't take a consistent patina so I just let it do its own thing. And Just like the sheath people loved the look of the random finish. So I'm very pleased. Thank you all for your input.
  5. I made another sheath and added the welt as advised. Spider is centered better and is now a redback. But I now have a problem with my dye. I dyed the piece, let it dry and than when I put the clear sealer gloss stuff on it took some of the dye away leaving an uneven washed away look. Can I remove the finish somehow and try again? Or do I have to scrap it and try for third time lucky?
  6. Yea I glued them. I have remade the sheath but have now ran into another problem :/
  7. Pictures are in a separate post called My first knife sheath. (First time working with leather). Thanks ScoobyNewbie. Has already helped a lot
  8. Thanks for that Plinkercases I have remade this sheath today. I just have to complete the belt loops tomorrow and than Ill post the pics.
  9. That's a good looking wallet. Only thing I would change, would be to round the corners a little.
  10. Just subscribed to his channel the other day. Haven't watched a lot yet.
  11. LOL Yea I was thinking the same thing once it was complete. I'm glad to be able to have such useful info given to improve my work. This is my second sheath and 2nd lesson learnt. My first sheath looks good but it doesn't have a welt either and it was pointed out to me that it would sit too high on the hip for some people. So I now have two sheaths to remake. Strange thing is I'm somewhat looking forward to it haha. The internet is an awesome thing.
  12. Thanks for the heads up Stetson912 and Plinkercases. I googled the welt. Seems only logical now I know what it is. Looks like ill be remaking the sheath. I will improve the position of the spider and use lighter coloured thread while I'm at it.
  13. Certainly will be doing that from now on cheers.
  14. Ahhh bugger. Not even sure what a welt is. I got the idea from a youtube video besides changing the shape and design, I followed the same procedure.
  15. Cheers Scooby I'm pretty happy with it.
  16. Awesome. If I was to have one Elder Scrolls game it would have to be Morrowind. Something special about that one, the others are great too but Morrowing was Great.
  17. Thank you bullmoosepaddles and your welcome.
  18. Another sheath for another of the knives I made. Went for a pancake sheath with sort of goth style. First time trying this style of sheath and took me two attempts. First one I failed by having the stitching too close to the blade profile so when I put the knife in, it cut the stitches. Second try I was sure to leave at least 5mm clearance either side of the blade and it works perfectly.
  19. The Hex is from a tech screw like the ones used for tin roofing. I removed the rubber washer, heated it with a blowtorch, let it cool, and cut the outside skirt/plate bit off. I pre-drilled a bit of dowel and screwed it in.
  20. That's nice. The paw prints on the holes are awesome I also don't have a lot of income so I can suggest a couple of things that have helped me. Ebay sell some 40 piece leather tool sets for $30 - $40 that contain all you need to get started including stamps, needles, thread, and a bunch of other bits. I got a big side of thick leather from a local tannery that wasn't perfect for $30 AUD. I use a cheap stanly knife or hobby knife kit to cut out my shapes. I've not made much yet but I have plenty of leather left. I will eventually get better quality tools but for now these cheap ones are doing ok.
  21. They look good fredk. Thank you for taking the time to find them. I may already have a few screwdriver tips like the square one. I didn't know Tandy do rune stamps, definitely be something in the future shopping list. I enjoy making the wood runes but having a mixture or materials is a good idea. I have made a set from bone but will not be doing that again any time soon. Terrible, smelly, dusty stuff to work with.
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